Illustration of people practicing four freedoms (State Dept./Doug Thompson)

What does it mean to be free from want or fear?

Before the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt declared four universal freedoms. Are they relevant today?
Smiling family (State Dept.)video

Imprisoned for what they believe [video]

Political prisoners who are unjustly detained have lost their freedoms and been removed from their loved ones' lives too. Sometimes for years.
People walking outdoors. (© AP Images)

How human rights diplomacy turns into real change

“Human rights” can sound like an abstraction, but the work governments do to protect human rights can make the difference between life and death.

Democracy for All

In celebration of Human Rights Week, four top diplomats of the U.S. Department of State will participate in a live, interactive webchat.
Girl with face painted peeking from behind banner (@ AP Images)

What are YOU doing to stop gender-based violence? [video]

Gender-based violence victimizes one out of three women worldwide. A new initiative challenges everyone to take action to end this worldwide scourge.
Video of boy reading letter at table (The White House/YouTube)video

A child’s invitation to the Syrian boy photographed in an ambulance...

Six-year-old Alex saw the heartbreaking photo of Omran Daqneesh in Syria and sent a letter to President Obama, inviting Omran to his house.
Illustration of two emojis wearing hijabs and three options for hijabs underneath (Courtesy of Aphee Messer)

A teenager proposes a hijab emoji

Rayouf Alhumedhi, a teen from Berlin, has asked the Unicode Consortium to further its efforts on diversity by developing hijab-wearing emojis.
Indians holding signs in protest (© AP Images)

Support religious freedom by getting rid of these laws

Twenty-four percent of countries restrict human rights and limit religious freedom by upholding blasphemy laws. See how citizens and nations are responding.
Children standing near tents and puddle of water (© AP Images)

Giving voice to refugees and safe haven to children

Humanitarian Lora Pappa founded METAdrasi, which sends interpreters to help refugees in Greece communicate with asylum officers, police, doctors and others.