Contract Management

SLAC Site Office (SSO) communicates and enforces contract requirements; reviews and approves contract performance and deliverables, and provides Contracting Officer direction and guidance to the SLAC National Accelerator Center (SLAC). SSO provides support for all contract, business operations and administrative matters. SSO reviews, approves and oversees business operations and administrative systems such as budget; financial management; accounting; internal and external audits; procurement management; property management (intellectual, real and personal); contractor human resources, industrial and labor relations; legal; public affairs and community relations; and any other related requirements applicable to the SLAC contract.

SLAC/DOE Contract DE-AC02-76-SF00515External link

NOTE: The file linked above includes the DOE/SLAC contract and appendices. It is provided in this format as a convenience and is not the official or archival copy of the contract. Although updated frequently, do not assume all modifications are included.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:20:25 PM