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Resource Ecology and Ecosystem Modeling - Manuals

walleye pollock with an ventral incision showing digestive system

Fishery Observer Stomach Collection Manual

The Fishery Observer Stomach Collection Manual (.pdf, 1.0MB) describes the protocol for at-sea collection of groundfish stomachs. This manual covers sample stratificaction, determination of net feeding and regurgitation, formalin handling and storage, sample documentation, sample storage and excision techniques for flatfish and roundfish. Stable isotope sample collections are also presented in this chapter.

  Mei-Sun Yang, working at the microscope

REEM Lab Manual

The REEM Lab Manual (.pdf, 122KB) describes the protocol for lab analysis of groundfish stomach samples collected at sea. This manual describes the various techniques and analytical methods used to identify and quantify stomach contents. An anotated bibliography of reference material used by lab personnel is included as an appendix to the manual.

  Walleye pollock

2015 REEM Summer Survey Sampling Plans

The REEM sampling plans for the 2015 Summer Survey of the eastern Bering Sea shelf (.pdf, 32KB), Gulf of Alaska (.pdf, 59KB) are available. These sampling plans describe sample stratificaction, species of interest, formalin handling and storage, sample documentation, sample storage and stable isotope sample collections. Stomach excision and handling is breifly described, for detailed description see the Fishery Observer Stomach Collection Manual (.pdf, 1.0MB)

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