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Information for FSIS Employees

One Team, One Purpose:  More than 9,600 FSIS personnel work together to accomplish our mission of protecting public health.

FSIS EMPLOYEES IMPACT FOOD SAFETY: VIDEO. Watch to see how the work performed by FSIS employees impacts the safety of the food every family eats.

Latest FSIS News for Employees

Agency events and information of particular interest to FSIS employees. 

i-Impact Food Safety

As an FSIS employee, you impact your work, your program, your Agency, and your world. The i-Impact initiative will help you draw a line of sight from your daily work activities to the mission of FSIS.

Environmental, Safety and Health Topics

Information about employee safety is available on this page and also on InsideFSIS (the employee intranet site). For background, see FSIS Directive 4791.1, Basic Occupational Safety and Health Program. This directive provides instructions for the basic components of the Agency's Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program and describes how the program fulfills the responsibilities required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Onboarding: Welcome to Our Newest FSIS Team Members

The USDA Onboarding Portal has information specifically for new employees.On it you will find all the information you need to begin your employment. 

  • The FSIS Onboarding Manual (PDF Only) provides agency-specific information for newer employees.(Experienced employees will also find the manual useful!)

Career Development Opportunities

All FSIS vacancy announcements are posted on USAJobs.gov

The Beacon Newsletter

Selected articles from the most recent issue of FSIS' employee newsletter, The Beacon. (All issues are available on InsideFSIS, the employee intranet. Level 2 eAuthentication required.)

Faces of Food Safety

The Faces of Food Safety series introduces you to the men and women who carry out the mission of FSIS. Learn what a typical workday is like for personnel in various job series and occupations.

E-mail Subscription Service

Want the latest news and food safety information from FSIS? Use our subscription service to get notification of changes to the public website. Choose the topics you want; add or delete subscription items at any time.


The FSIS employee intranet, created for and built by FSIS employees, is accessible to all employees with Level 2 eAuthentication credentials.

Short URL for this page: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/employees

Last Modified Dec 22, 2016