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FSIS Forms

Listed below are the official forms available for downloading or printing. Only official forms are acceptable in the conduct of Agency business, so please carefully read the information and instructions pertaining to the form(s) you wish to use.

Some of our forms have fill-and-print capability; others will have save-and-send capability. When sending forms to us by email, please do not include personal, private, or proprietary information; this is not a secure server.

For best results, use the current version of the Adobe Reader.

These are the forms that have been approved by FSIS for online use. This list does not include every form used by FSIS. Current FSIS employees should check InsideFSIS, the Agency intranet, for additional information.

Available Public Use Forms

Form Number Form Title
AD-755 Advisory Committee Membership Background Information (DOC)
FSIS-7234.1 Application for Approval of Labels, Marking or Device
FSIS 5200-2 Application for Federal Inspection (Meat, Poultry, Siluriformes Fish, Egg Products and Import Inspection)
FSIS 5200-6 Application/Approval for Voluntary Reimbursable Inspection Service
FSIS 9060-6 Application for Export Certificate
FSIS 9010-1 Application for the Return of Exported Products to the United States
FSIS 10,110-2 Application for FSIS Accredited Laboratory Program
FSIS 9305-7 Certificate for Export of Beef and Beef Products to the Republic of Korea (ROK)
FSIS 9305-5 Certificate for Export of Pork Meat to the Republic of Korea (ROK),
FSIS 9305-2A Certificate for Export of Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products to the Republic of Korea (ROK)
FSIS 9305-2B Certificate for Export of Heat Treated Poultry Meat and Poultry Meat Products to the Republic of Korea (ROK)
FSIS 9290-1 Certificate for Export to Japan
FSIS 9290-1A Continuation Sheet for FSIS Form 9290-1, Certificate for Export to Japan
FSIS 9285-1 Certificate for Export to Taiwan
FSIS 9435-1 Certificate for Importation of  Meat and Poultry into Singapore
FSIS 1520-1 Civil Rights Compliance of State Inspection Programs
FSIS 9080-3 Establishment Application for Export
FSIS 5420-6 Food Defense Plan: Security Measures for Food Defense for Siluriformes Fish Farmers and Processors
FSIS 4791-2 FSIS Circuit Safety and Health Committee Report
FSIS 4791-21 FSIS Occupant Emergency Plan
FSIS 5420-5 General Food Defense Plan
FSIS 9540-1 Import Inspection Application (Meat, Poultry & Egg Products)
FSIS 4792-1 In Case of Emergency
FSIS 5720-15 Laboratory Method Notification Form
FSIS 1411-4 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individual Contact Log
FSIS 9060-5A Meat and Poultry Export Certificate of Wholesomeness Continuation Sheet
FSIS 9540-5 Notification of Intent to Import Meat, Poultry, or Egg Products Samples for Laboratory Examination, Research, Evaluative Testing or Trade Show Exhibition
FSIS 4450-1 Nominations for Howard E. Bauman Award for Food Safety
FSIS 10,000-8 Pasteurized Egg Products Recognized Laboratory Program Information Update Request Form
FSIS 10,000-10 Pasteurized Egg Product Recognized Laboratory Program Salmonella Laboratory Quality Assurance Program Checklist
FSIS 10,240-1 Production Information on Post-Lethality Exposed Ready-to-Eat Products - No longer available.
FSIS 4791-20 Record of Noise Exposures
FSIS 5020-1 Registration of Meat and Poultry Handlers
FSIS 8822-4 Request for Label Reconsideration
FSIS 4791-23 Safety and Health Inspection Checklist: Office Facilities
FSIS 4791-24 Safety and Health Inspection Checklist: Plant Facilities
FSIS 5720-14 State Meat and Poultry Inspection Program Laboratory Quality Management System Checklist
FSIS 9115-2 Veterinary Health Certificate for Fresh/Frozen Pork and Pork Meat Products
FSIS 9115-3 Veterinary Health Certificate for Cooked Pork and Pork Meat Products

Employee Related Forms

Pen and form 'Sign Here' USDA Administrative (AD) Forms
Looking for Change of Address or other AD forms? Many are available online from USDA.


These are examples of forms that may be needed by FSIS employees and applicants for employment. Many more internal government forms are available from Forms.GOV, the U.S. Government's Official Hub for Federal Forms, including:

  • Employee Benefit and Insurance Forms
  • Standard (SF) and Optional (OF) Forms
  • Thrift Savings Plan Forms
  • Tax Forms

Current FSIS employees should check InsideFSIS, the Agency intranet, for additional information.


Short URL for this page: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/forms

Last Modified dic 22, 2016