Sara Gemeny Wilkinson

Workers on scaffolding erecting large flag (© AP Images)

Inauguration trivia: Why don’t the flags match?

What do the flags on the U.S. Capitol mean at the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump? Click here to learn the symbolism behind each of the flags.
Close-up of Donald Trump embedded with text over inauguration photo (© AP Images)

Lots of prep work for Trump before Inauguration Day

On January 20, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Here are some of the items from his presidential to-do list.
Person wearing 'I voted' sticker and American flag scarf (© AP Images)

Election 2016: What’s next after November 8?

Electing a U.S. president lasts several weeks before the winning candidate takes office. See what happens and who is involved.
Silhouette of people carrying their belongings down a rustic road (Shutterstock/State Dept./S. G. Wilkinson)

Finding refuge in the U.S.

Thousands of people flee war and persecution each year in hopes for a better life. See what it takes for refugees to be resettled in the U.S.