How to save a search

You can save a search to help you look for jobs in your area of interest. When you save a search, USAJOBS will automatically look for jobs that match the keywords and other criteria in your search. We will email you, daily, weekly or monthly, when there are new jobs that match what you’re looking for.

  • You can create and save up to 10 saved searches—a saved search will expire one year after you create it.
  • You can sign up to receive daily, weekly or monthly email notifications.
  • You can manage your saved searches in your account.

To save a job search and sign up for email notifications

  1. Sign into your USAJOBS account. If you don’t have an account, you need to create one. Only signed in users can save their search.
  2. Start a job search by entering a keyword or location in the search box and click Search. You can also choose the Advanced Search option to narrow your results.
  3. Click Save This Search on the search results page located on the left side of the page under the search filters.
  4. Enter additional search criteria if you want—the more information you add, the more specific your results will be.
  5. Name your search—this will help you manage your saved searches.
  6. Choose how often you want to receive an email notification with all jobs that match your search. We recommend daily if you’re looking for very specific positions since some announcements can open and close within a week. If you select daily, you’ll receive one email per day IF new jobs have been posted that match your criteria in the last 24 hours.
  7. Click Save Search or Save and View Results. By clicking Save and View Results, you can see if the saved search returns the results you want. If not, you can edit the saved search.

Manage saved searches in your account

You can manage your saved searches in the Saved Searches section of your account. You can have both active and archived saved searches.

Click the + next to a saved search to see more details. From here you can:

Click View Search Results to run the saved search and see your results.

Saved searches expire after one year and will automatically move into your archived list. Click Renew Search for 1 Year to renew your search for an additional year.

Click Edit to change your search criteria, such as keywords, location or even update your email preference. You’ll have the option to save the updated search.

Click Duplicate to create an exact copy of a saved search. When you duplicate, you have the option to edit the search criteria.

You may want to duplicate if you’re looking for similar jobs in two locations. Rather than creating a new saved search for each location, you can duplicate one search and change the location. For example, you may want to search for all Program Analyst jobs in Washington, D.C. and another search for all Program Analyst jobs in Florida.

You can only delete saved searches from your archived list. Go to your archived saved searches and click the + next to the saved search you want to delete. Click Delete located under the Unarchive Search button.

If you delete a saved search, it will be removed from your account and you will no longer receive email notifications with those search results.

Click Archive to move the saved search to your archived list. You may want to archive a saved search if you’re no longer interested in the search, but you don’t want to delete it.

If you have no saved searches, you can create a new saved search from the Saved Searches section of your account. You can save up to 10 searches.

  • Contact us

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    The USAJOBS Support Desk is available Monday through Friday, 7am – 8pm EST; Saturday and Sunday, 8am – 4pm EST (excluding federal holidays). USAJOBS does not provide direct phone support. The form below will allow you to send an email to the Help Desk where you can request assistance by phone or email.

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