
Alpha Gamma Hot Cell Facility (AGHCF) De-inventory Project

Solid progress continues in the de-inventory efforts of the AGHCF. Prior to the influx of EM ARRA funding in 2009, the AGHCF was at approximately 68X the Hazard Category (HC) 2 threshold. Based on successful continuing Argonne efforts, AGHCF met the criteria for downgrade to a HC 3 facility as of December 10, 2014 as documented in the AGHCF Deinventory Plan.  In FY 2015 all discrete items were removed from AGHCF leaving only residual contamination. Argonne intends to complete decontamination efforts for the AGHCF to allow it to be downgraded to less than HC 3 however events which occurred at the DOE Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) in February 2014 have adversely impacted the offsite shipment of transuranic wastes from Argonne and all other DOE facilities.  As such, the complete AGHCF decontamination schedule can not yet be determined.  ASO continues to work in a collaborative manner with Argonne to ensure safe operations, storage and maintenance of the facility and materials pending the return to operation of WIPP.

Energy Science Building (ESB) Project

The ESB is  a flexible state-of-the-art facility consisting of laboratories, offices, interactive spaces, meeting rooms and support areas totaling 173,000 gross square feet, with a total cost of $95,000,000. This building received  the U.S. Green Building Counsel (USGBC) LEED Gold Certification. The facility  houses in excess of 200 scientists, technicians and administrative staff, dedicated to research and development of improved batteries, photovoltaics and other energy related components in energy sciences. Among its special features, it contains laboratories with controlled acoustics, and free of vibration and radio frequency interference, enabling conduct of research at sub-atomic levels. The facility has been designed and co-located with buildings 222 and 223, bringing together several science groups to foster multi-disciplinary interaction, thus improved science. This facility was completed.

Advanced Protein Crystalization Facility (APCF) Project

The APCF is a state-of-the-art facility of approximately 50,000 gross square feet, located in the Argonne 400 Area adjacent to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Laboratory and Office Module (LOM) 435, consisting of Laboratories, offices and support areas, dedicated to for advanced research directed toward understanding the structure and function of proteins found in diverse biological systems. The facility received the  U.S. Green Building Counsel (USGBC) LEED Gold Certification.  The was  approximately $34,500,000. The building was completed  in 2014.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Facility Project

The CHP will be an energy facility, consisting of a gas fired turbine, heat recovery boiler and an electric power generator, which will provide approximately 150,000 pounds/hour of high pressure steam and generate approximately 6.5 MW of electricity. This facility will be located next to the existing boiler plant. Scheduled for completion in 2016.

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Upgrade, Phase-3 (ALCF-3) Project

The ALCF-3 Project will deploy a 100 - 200 PF computational resource, named Aurora, at Argonne National Laboratory. The computing equipment shall be configured to enable significant near-term advances in computational science as part of the DOE-ASCR Leadership Computing Facility Program. To achieve this objective, the scope of this effort must address the procurement, installation, configuration, and acceptance of an advanced computing system with a data storage subsystem and the supporting facility upgrades for power and cooling. Currently at CD-3, ALCF-3 is expected to be completed in 2020.

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Lithium (ALCF-Lithium) Project

The ALCF-Lithium Project will provide a productive resource for science that bridges the computational gap between Mira and Aurora planned delivery in FY 2019. ALCF-Lithium will acquire and deploy a small Intel/Cray KNL system (8.5 – 10.0 PF) for DOE-ASCR. The scope of the ALCF-Lithium project includes managing the contract; preparing the site and users for the system; and ultimately, installing, integrating, testing, and accepting the system. The system will leverage the ALCF-3 build contract to acquire a system that will provide a stepping stone from the end-of-line Blue Gene architecture to the new Intel Phi architecture of Aurora. Currently at CD-3, ALCF-Lithium is expected to be completed in 2018. 

Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) Project

The APS-U will be a fourth generation high-energy x-ray storage ring optimized for hard x-rays (> 20 keV), incorporating advanced beamlines, optics and detectors, and providing an ‘oval’ source ideal for imaging. The project includes a new storage ring incorporating a multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice utilizing the existing tunnel, new insertion devices optimized for brightness and flux, superconducting undulators on selected beamlines and new or upgraded front-ends. The project will also construct a suite of new beamlines and incorporate substantial refurbishment of other existing beamlines, along with new optics and detectors that will enable most beamlines to take advantage of the improved accelerator performance. APS-U will exceed the capabilities of today’s hard x-ray storage rings by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude in brightness and coherent flux. The combination of these upgrades will provide a brighter and more intense beam at all beam line locations and provide improved performance capabilities.  Currently at CD-1, APS-U is expected to be completed in 2023.

Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS) Project

The DCS project  involved the installation of technical components that together provide synchrotron radiation research capability to dynamic compression experiments to be carried out on the sector where the DCS was built. The project entailed the installation of an undulator X-ray source into the storage ring; the installation of a beamline front end into the storage ring tunnel; the installation of radiation enclosures onto the experiment hall floor at the APS; the installation of optical elements for tailoring the properties of the X-ray beam; the installation of control systems to operate the beamline components; and the construction of lab and office space to accommodate the beamline support staff and prepare experiments. The resultant facility takes full advantage of the properties of the APS to provide hard X-ray beams for dynamic compression experiments. DCS was completed in 2015.

Energy Innovation Center (EIC) Project

In November 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that Argonne's Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) proposal — a consortium of 14 institutions including national labs, universities and private companies — was selected for a five-year, $120 million Energy Innovation Hub to develop next-generation batteries beyond lithium ion. The State of Illinois announced that it would fund a new $35 million facility, the Energy Innovation Center (EIC), to house state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities for the scientists and engineers that make up the extended JCESR team. However, only $5 million in grant funds were made available covering completion of design/engineering activities and site  preparation work. Design of the EIC was started in the Summer 2013 and project work was stopped near the end of 2014.

Materials Design Laboratory (MDL)

The Materials Design Laboratory (MDL), at Argonne National Laboratory, will be a state-of-the-art laboratory facility, which will provide a modern collaborative scientific environment critical to the discovery, design and development of new materials and novel molecular processes aimed at transforming global energy production and storage. The MDL will be a multistory facility, with a floor area of approximately 115,000 gross square feet (gsf), with a projected total occupancy of 200 (scientists and support staff). One floor will be dedicated to Heavy Elements Separations Science (HESS), thus a radiological facility. The remaining or the building will provide various types of laboratories, such as free of vibration and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), in support of various programs of physics, chemistry and materials science, targeted to this facility. The total estimated cost of the project is $96,000,000. Funding is provided by the Federal Government through DOE, Office of science, Science Laboratories Infrastructure (SLI) Program. Work on the project started on January 29, 2015 and completion is expected by April 2020.

Last modified: 7/11/2016 10:04:05 AM