USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Partnerships

New Partnerships Build Roots that Help All Children Thrive

A female community health volunteer counsels a mother from Nepal about caring for her baby after birth. Setting children on a path to healthy physical growth and cognitive development is a priority of the All Children Thriving partnership. / Thomas Cristofoletti, USAID

USAID and its partners are using new, innovative ways to help children grow up healthy and happy, setting them on a path to live full and productive lives.

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One Team, One Mission. USAID Employees Share Their Stories on Agency Transformation

USAID employees reflect on their experiences working with the Agency. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

An online book released on Administrator Shah’s last day draws from more than 80 interviews with USAID staff members around the world.

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U.S. Global Development Lab Launches to Develop and Scale Solutions to Global Challenges


Imagine a world in which diagnostics for diseases that are prevalent in developing countries are available at pennies per use, renewable off-grid energy services are affordable for households earning less than $2/day, and every family has enough healthy food to eat. USAID is helping to turn these ideas into realities by launching the U.S. Global Development Lab.

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Driving Progress in Asia through Science, Innovation & Partnership


Progress — or instability — in Asia has ripple effects throughout the world and can impact us here at home. We’re forging partnerships that leverage resources and harness the science, technology and innovation that exist throughout the region to maximize impact — and reach.

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Empowering Health Workers to Improve Service Delivery in Uganda

Agnes provides integrated HIV and family planning counseling to client. Photo credit: Carol Bales, IntraHealth International.

Agnes Masagwayi has a fierce determination to give her community the best possible care. But as a clinical health officer in Mbale District, Uganda, she knows how difficult it can be.

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Entrepreneurs Spur Sustainable Growth and Contribute to Development Outcomes

Development Innovation Ventures grantee Off-Grid: Electric's entrepreneurs are lighting up Tanzania through more reliable, affordable, and sustainable electrical services. Photo Credit: Matthieu Young

Entrepreneurs, both large and small, create jobs and spur sustainable growth that delivers benefits to people in the United States and around the world. Read more >>

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Access to Water Empowers Women in Morocco’s Middle Atlas

Increased access to water changes women and girls' lives in Morocco. Photo credit: USAID

By working directly with local partners, our assistance is amplified far beyond the water tap. Read more >>

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Accelerating Development through Science, Innovation, and Partnership

Rajiv Shah serves as Administrator at USAID

Americans can be proud of USAID’s history of embracing and advancing science, technology, and innovation to create new solutions for age-old challenges. Today, we are building on this legacy with a renewed sense of focus and energy around the world to end extreme poverty. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Administrator at at The George Washington University’s Feeding the Planet Summit, where he announced the Feed the Future Innovation Labs. Photo credit: Joslin Isaacson, HarvestPlus

USAID news highlights during week of October 28, 2013. Read more >>

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Video of the Week: Partnering to Feed the Future in Ethiopia


As part of USAID’s 52nd birthday celebration, we highlight one partnership that is helping to improve nutrition in Ethiopia. Read more >>

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