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Tag archives for HIV

Leveraging Markets for Global Health

An analyst at the National Quality Control Laboratory in Kenya conducts a test on a pharmaceutical sample. / Tobin Jones, Chemonics

USAID’s work with new insecticide sprays and antiretrovirals demonstrates the potential impact of maximizing market forces to achieve global health goals. Through collaboration, USAID aims to continue identifying and realizing market-shaping opportunities.

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Innovative HIV-Prevention Product for Women Could Be New Tool in the Fight for an AIDS-Free Gen

The Ring Study findings may give new hope to women who need diverse options to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS./ Matthew Willman/Oxfam, Courtesy of Photoshare

A new USAID-supported monthly vaginal ring is the first HIV prevention method designed specifically for women to be confirmed effective in two large clinical trials. This innovative product has the potential to contribute to the goal of an AIDS-free generation.

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On the Job at USAID: Meeting An Amazing Global Health Hero

Solomon 4

On July 28, in Chennai, India, the world that fights HIV lost a true hero. It was an honor to have met Dr. Suniti Solomon, a pioneer in HIV and AIDS work. How lucky we are to be with people who really do make the world a better place. Now, we must carry on the legacy.

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Growing Children, Trees and Science: The Work Towards an AIDS Vaccine

HIV's outer-envelope proteins penetrate and infect host T-Cells; this illustration shows areas where antibodies can bind to and block the virus / Evan Oto / Science Source

In 1999, a tree was planted in Baltimore with the hopes that, by the time it had grown, the world would have an AIDS vaccine. While we’re not there yet, the tree is a reminder of our ever growing efforts to find a solution, efforts that USAID is dedicated to and optimistic about.

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Invest in Health Workers to End AIDS

A nurse in the perinatology unit at the Jaime Moto Regional Hospital in Barahona attends to a newborn after receiving training in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV. The training was conducted through CapacityPlus, a USAID-funded project to strengthen the health work force in the Dominican Republic. / Wendy Tactuk, courtesy of CapacityPlus and IntraHealth International

The recent focus on Ebola in West Africa has reminded us of the need for strong and resilient health systems. USAID will continue to use innovative training models and make investments in building work forces and strengthening health systems in countries with high HIV burdens worldwide.

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An Opportunity of 300,000 Lifetimes

A baby receives life-saving drugs. / Anna Zeminski, AFP / Getty Images

A new $200 million initiative by PEPFAR and CIFF will double the total number of children receiving life-saving ART across 10 priority African countries over the next two years, bringing us closer to achieving an AIDS-Free Generation.

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Women are Women: Responding to the Health Needs of Female Sex Workers

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Mpiluka’s story is not uncommon, and reveals the complex intersection of violence, reproductive health, and HIV faced by sex workers around the world

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To Win the Fight Against AIDS, We Must First Defeat TB

To mark World TB Day 2013 in Ethiopia the Minister of Health, joined by USAID and partners in the fight against TB, watch a role play created to raise public awareness about getting tested and fishing the prescribed course of treatment. Photo by Karen Ottoni/USAID Ethiopia

This week, tremendous and unprecedented progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS is being celebrated around the world by the HIV and AIDS community. The world has definitely made crushing AIDS a top priority and we’ve been able to accomplish what many would have said 15 years ago was impossible.

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New Evidence on Child Marriage Prevention in Ethiopia

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To help address the needs of 50 million adolescents who are already married, USAID invested in programs through PEPFAR to reach more than 220,000 married adolescent girls in Ethiopia.

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Meeting the Needs of Children and Adolescents Who Have Experienced Sexual Violence

In Swaziland, just before sunset, a young girl tests out a new seesaw on a playground built by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation at the Mkhulamini Clinic. Photo credit: Jon Hrusa, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

The stories of many young women’s courage epitomize the struggle to achieve an AIDS-free generation. Read more >>

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