USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Robb Hohmann

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Putting Cranes Back to Work

Before, there were hardly any cranes in Belgrade. By October 2016, there were 489 active construction sites, according to the city’s mayor. / USAID Serbia

In Serbia USAID worked with the Ministry of Construction to reform construction permitting. A reform so profound, that five years ago, few people believed it possible.

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Digital Health: Moving from Silos to Systems

Health officers use mobile phones to input data during a trachoma mapping project in Ethiopia. / Dominique Nahr, Sightsavers

USAID is committed to leveraging digital tools to achieve better health outcomes. A new funding mechanism seeks to harness innovation and expertise to foster systemic change. Here is the vision moving forward.

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Keeping it Local: One Youth Leader Who Is Fighting Corruption in Ukraine

Taras Sluchyk speaks at public rally in his hometown of Ivano-Frankivsk, urging university students to mobilize. / Courtesy of IRI

On Anti-Corruption Day, learn how Taras Sluchyk became a passionate and engaged leader at the national level, gathering citizens and political and civic activists across Ukraine to join efforts against corruption. USAID continues to build on Taras’ progress in Ukraine, bringing communities together to reduce opportunities and incentives for corruption and create a common vision of a democratic future.

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Overcoming the Stigma of Gender-Based Violence

Nusrat Bibi, an acid burn survivor, takes photographs during a field trip for a photography workshop. / Diego Sanchez, USAID

USAID has partnered with NGOs, faith-based programs, and host governments in more than 40 countries to increase awareness of the scope and impact of gender-based violence, improve services for survivor, and strengthen prevention efforts. Read on for stories about how survivors fight the stigma.

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Getting from A to B Gets Easier in Tanzania with New Mapping Open Data

To help the Tanzanian Government optimize its health supply chain transport system, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT mapped the country. / Photo Courtesy of John Snow, Inc

To help the Tanzanian Government optimize its health supply chain transport system, the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT mapped the country. The data was uploaded by volunteers with Humanitarian Open Street Maps and Ramani Huria, and is now available to the world. For the people of Tanzania, including businesses, having a complete digital road map available means that businesses can better plan and operate, people can more efficiently plan their travel.

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Executive Order Prioritizes Our Shared Global Health Security

A health care worker checks on patients admitted to the Ebola Treatment Unit in the Island Clinic, Monrovia, Liberia, Sept. 22, 2014. /Morgana Wingard

President Obama signed an executive order to advance the ambitious Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and ensure that this multilateral and multisectoral effort to detect and respond to new infectious disease threats such as yellow fever or highly pathogenic avian influenza is sustained. USAID is actively working with our interagency partners in all 17 Phase I GHSA countries. We are actively supporting all 11 GHSA Action Packages with a special focus on zoonotic diseases, workforce development, disease surveillance, and antimicrobial resistance.
The unifying theme of our work is the so called ‘One Health’ approach, which brings together the sectors of animal health, human health, and the environment to address the burden of disease.

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A Behind-the-Scenes Look at What It Takes to Deploy with the World’s Only International Volcano Response Team

Ol Dionyo Lengai Volcano means “Mountain of God” in local Maasia language. Photo taken February 4, 2008/ George Seielstad

On Christmas Eve 2008, I got a phone call that turned into a professional and personal opportunity of a lifetime. On the other end of the line: the acting director of USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). The Ol Dionyo Lengai Volcano in Tanzania had been erupting explosively since 2007, and the Government […]

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U.S. Army War College Students See International Development in Action to Rebuild Haiti

AWCgroup cropped

Department of Defense graduate students visit USAID/Haiti to see interagency cooperation at work to rebuild Haiti after the 2010 earthquake.

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Ebola’s Second Punch: Hunger

Children from over 4,000 vulnerable families could eat three healthy meals a day after their parents used cash transfers from Catholic Relief Services to invest in their farms and buy food. / Michael Stulman, CRS

Travel restrictions meant to contain Ebola also kept farmers from their fields, harvests and the markets.

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Resilient Health Systems Can Prevent and Contain Pandemics

A technician swabs the throat of a duck at Bangkok’s Klongtoey Market during an avian influenza survey. / Richard Nyberg, USAID

Resilient health systems can help us mitigate disease outbreaks and avert pandemics. This entails being able to detect and respond to emerging diseases threats, bounce back when adversity strikes, address a wide range of health challenges and offer innovative solutions.

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