
Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
2016 - 2017Critical Thresholds and Ecosystem Services for Coastal Ecological and Human Climate Adaptation
    • Michelle D Staudinger (Northeast Climate Science Center)
    • Andrew Milliken (North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative)
    • Megan Tyrell (North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative)
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    2016 - 2019Examining the Responses of Species to Climate Change: Will Wildlife Face Biological Thresholds?
      • Curt Griffin (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
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      2016How and Why is the Timing and Occurrence of Seasonal Migrants in the Gulf of Maine Changing Due to Climate?
        • Michelle Staudinger (National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center)
        • Adrian Jordaan (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
        • Daniel Pendleton (John H Prescott Marine Laboratory, New England Aquarium)
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        2016 - 2019Slowing the Flow for Climate Resilience (SFCR): Reducing Vulnerability to Extreme Flood and Drought Events
          • Richard Palmer (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
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          Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
          2015 - 2017An Integrated Assessment of Lake and Stream Thermal Habitat under Climate Change
            • Jordan Read (Center for Integrated Data Analytics)
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            2015 - 2017Characterizing Local and Rangewide Variation in Demography and Adaptive Capacity of a Forest Indicator Species
              • Evan Grant (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)
              2015 - 2017Climate Effects on the Culture and Ecology of Sugar Maple
                • Kristina Stinson (University of Massachusetts)
                • Toni L Morelli (National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and Climate Science Centers)
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                2015 - 2017Does Variation in Life History and Evolutionary Response Affect Species Vulnerability to Climate Change? Implications for Management
                  • Benjamin Letcher (Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory, LSC)
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                  2015 - 2017Pilot Study to Evaluate Coastal Change Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
                    • Erika Lentz (Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center)
                    2015 - 2017Reconnecting Floodplains and Restoring Green Space as a Management Strategy to Minimize Risk and Increase Resilience in the Context of Climate and Landscape Change
                      • Richard Palmer (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
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                      2015 - 2017Supporting Cooperation Between Tribes and Climate Scientists in the Northeast Region
                        • Christopher Caldwell (College of Menominee Nation (CMN))
                        Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                        2014 - 2015Avian Indicators of Climate Change Based on the North American Breeding Bird Survey
                          • James D Nichols (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)
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                          2014 - 2016Development of Dynamically-Based 21st Century Projections of Snow, Lake Ice, and Winter Severity for the Great Lakes Basin to Guide Wildlife-Based Adaptation Planning, with Emphasis on Deer and Waterfowl
                            • Michael Notaro (Nelson Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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                            2015 - 2016Early Career Climate Communications and Networking
                              • Michelle D Staudinger (National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and Climate Science Centers)
                              • Ezra Markowitz (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
                              2014 - 2016Ecological and Management Implications of Climate Change Induced Shifts in Phenology of Coastal Fish and Wildlife Species in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region
                                • Adrian Jordaan (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
                                • Michelle D Staudinger (Northeast Climate Science Center)
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                                2014 - 2016Incorporating Social Drivers to Optimize Conservation Practices that Address Gulf Hypoxia and Declining Wildlife Populations Impacted by Extreme Climate Events (Funded Jointly by the Northeast CSC and South Central CSC)
                                  • Jack Waide (Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center)
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                                  2014 - 2016Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands under Non-Stationary Conditions
                                    • Robert Jacobson (Columbia Environmental Research Center)
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                                    Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                                    2013 - 2016A Decision Support Mapper for Conserving Stream Fish Habitats of the Northeast Climate Science Center (NE CSC) Region
                                      • Craig Paukert (USGS Missouri Cooperative Research Unit)
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                                      2013 - 2018Assessing the Vulnerability of Grassland Bird Populations to Climate Change
                                        • Benjamin Zuckerberg (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
                                        • Christine A Ribic (Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit)
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                                        2012 - 2013Building Tribal Engagement Through the Shifting Seasons Summit
                                          • Chris Caldwell (College of Menominee Nation)
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                                          2013 - 2015Changes in Forested Landscapes of the Northeastern U.S. Under Alternative Climate Scenarios
                                            • Frank Thompson (USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station)
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                                            2013 - 2016Making Decisions in Complex Landscapes: Headwater Stream Management Across Multiple Agencies
                                              • Evan H Grant (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)
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                                              2013 - 2015Modeling Effects of Climate Change on Spruce-Fir Forest Ecosystems and Associated Priority Bird Populations
                                                • Anthony D'Amato (University of Vermont)
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                                                2013 - 2014Understanding Conservation Management Decisions in the Face of Sea-Level Rise Along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
                                                  • Fred A Johnson (Southeast Ecological Science Center)
                                                  • Damian Shea (North Carolina State University)
                                                  • Rick Palmer (University of Massachusetts)
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                                                  Year(s)TitlePrincipal Investigator(s)Contains
                                                  2012 - 2013A Research and Decision Support Framework to Evaluate Sea-level Rise Impacts in the Northeastern U.S.
                                                    • E. Robert Thieler (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center)
                                                    • Nathaniel G Plant (USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center)
                                                    • Dean B Gesch (USGS, Geographic Science Team, EROS Data Center)
                                                    • Radley Horton (Columbia University)
                                                    • Erika E.Lentz (USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center)
                                                    • Sawyer R Stippa (USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center)
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                                                    2012 - 2014Bringing People, Data, and Models Together – Addressing Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Temperature
                                                      • Austin S. Polebitski (University of Massachusetts (UMass))
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                                                      2012 - 2017Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Fishes in Response to Climate Change
                                                        • Brian J Irwin (U.S. Geological Survey Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit)
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                                                        2011 - 2014Critically Evaluating Existing Methods and Supporting a Standardization of Terrestrial and Wetland Habitat Classification and Mapping that Includes Characterization of Climate Sensitive Systems
                                                          • David Diamond (University of Missouri)
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                                                          2012 - 2016Developing Fish Trophic Interaction Indicators of Climate Change for the Great Lakes
                                                            • Richard T Kraus (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Great Lakes Science Center, Lake Erie Biological Station)
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                                                            2011 - 2012Environmental Effects of Agricultural Practices, Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and Upper Midwest and Great Lakes LCC – Literature search
                                                              • Kasey J Hutchinson (Iowa Water Science Center)
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                                                              2012 - 2015Extending the Northeast Terrestrial Habitat Map to Atlantic Canada
                                                                • Mark G Anderson (The Nature Conservancy)
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                                                                2012 - 2015NorEaST: A Stream Temperature Inventory Network and Decision Support Metadata Mapper
                                                                  • Jana S Stewart (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Wisconsin Water Science Center)
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                                                                  The Northeast Climate Science Center (NE CSC) funds numerous projects that are selected through a competitive process to address stakeholder-driven needs related to climate change impacts on fish, wildlife, ecosystems and communities. Please find these projects above. The NE CSC also supports a selection of projects through the NE CSC Academic Consortium led by their host university, The University of Massachusetts Amherst. To browse through these additional projects, please visit: