Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science (ACCCNRS)

The Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science (ACCCNRS) advises the Secretary of the Interior on the operations of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) and the Department of the Interior (DOI) Climate Science Centers (CSCs).  The committee's membership and procedures are compliant with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).

ACCCNRS is composed of 25 members that represent (1) State and local governments, including state membership entities; (2) Nongovernmental organizations, including those whose primary mission is professional and scientific and those whose primary mission is conservation and related scientific and advocacy activities; (3) American Indian tribes and other Native American entities; (4) Academia; (5) Landowners, businesses, and organizations representing landowners or businesses. Committee Member List >>

In 2015, ACCCNRS released its 2015 Report to the Secretary of the InteriorThe report recognizes USGS and DOI for achieving significant accomplishments with the Climate Science Center program and provides several recommendations to clarify, focus, and enhance the program's efforts. This report includes an Actionable Science How-To Guide for Scientists, Managers and Funders  & executive summaries of a Guidebook for Traditional Knowledges, and a Primer for Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples

Duties of the committee include:

(A) Advising on the contents of a national strategy identifying key science priorities to advance the management of natural resources in the face of climate change;

(B) Advising on the nature, extent, and quality of relations with and engagement of key partners at the regional/CSC level;

(C) Advising on the nature and effectiveness of mechanisms to ensure the identification of key priorities from management partners and to effectively deliver scientific results in useful forms;

(D) Advising on mechanisms that may be employed by the NCCWSC to ensure high standards of scientific quality and integrity in its products, and to review and evaluate the performance of individual CSCs, in advance of opportunities to re-establish expiring agreements; and

(E) Coordinating as appropriate with any Federal Advisory Committee established for the DOI Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.

For more information about the Committe, please explore:

ACCCNRS Charter >>

ACCCNRS Operating Procedures and Ground Rules >>

ACCCNRS and Actionable Science >>


Meeting Information

Next ACCCNRS Meeting: TBA

All Committee meetings are open to the public. Interested members of the public may present, either orally or through written comments, information for the Committee to consider during the public meeting. Written comments can be submitted to

Materials for Meeting 7 (November 9-10, 2016):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 7 (November 2016)

Meeting Overview Slides

Presentation to Committee: AFWA Climate Adaptation Surveys

Presentation to Committee: Southwest CSC Overview

Presentation to Committee: Southwest CSC Information

Presentation to Committee: Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions

Presentation to Committee: Evaluating Actionable Science

Presentation to Committee: Ethical Responsibilities of ACCCNRS Members

Presentation to Committee: Strategic Planning Update

Presentation to Committee: Allocation of CSC Resources

Materials for Meeting 6 (April 19-20, 2016):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 6 (April 2016)

Meeting Agenda

Presentation to Committee: CSC Recompetition

Presentation to Committee: CSC Reviews

Presentation to Committee: Strategic Directions

Presentation to Committee: Priorities and Planning

Presentation to Committee: Northeast Climate Science Center Science and Initiatives

Presentation to Committee: Southwest Climate Science Center Strategic Planning Workshop

Materials from Meeting 5 (April 28-29, 2015):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 5 (April 2015)

Meeting Agenda

Presentation to Committee: Overview of the South Central Climate Science Center

Presentation to Committee: Overview of Comments on NCCWSC Science Plan

Committee Discussion Item: Climate Adaptation Conceptual Model

Materials for March 30, 2015 Committee Call:

Summary Report for March 30 Committee Call to Approve Report


Materials from Meeting 4 (September 17-18, 2014):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 4 (September 2014)

Presentation to Committee: Process Overview of NCCWSC Science Agenda

Presentation to Committee: Overview of the Northwest Climate Science Center

Presentation to Committee: Climate Science Needs


Materials from Meeting 3 (June 11-12, 2014):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 3 (June 2014)

Meeting Agenda

Materials from Meeting 2 (January 22-23, 2014):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 2 (Jan 2014)

Meeting Agenda

Presentation to Committee: ACCCNRS Workplan 2014

Presentations to Committee: Actionable Science and the Southeast Climate Science Center

Materials from Meeting 1 (September 18-19, 2013):

Summary Report for ACCCNRS Meeting 1 (Sept 2013)

Meeting Agenda

Discussion Briefs

Member Interview Summary

Briefing Book Document for Members

2013 NCCWSC-CSC Progress Report - Prepared for the ACCCNRS - July 2013

Presentation to Committee: The Federal Climate Landscape

Presentation to Committee: DOI Climate Science Centers & The National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center

Presentation to Committee: NCCWSC/CSC Strategic Science Planning Approach

Presentation to Committee: Recommendations from Tribes and Pacific Islanders

Presentation to Committee: Ethics Responsibilities of ACCCNRS Representative Members


Questions regarding the ACCCNRS should be directed to