Foundation: The Most Advanced Responsive Front-end Framework from ZURB


The most advanced responsive
front-end framework in the world.

Foundation for Apps is here!

It’s the first front-end framework created for developing fully responsive web apps.

Responsive design gets a whole lot faster

It's now crazy fast for designers and engineers to code and learn too.

Faster for Users

Users will feel the speed.
Interchange now enables HTML partials for device specific content. Smoother animations and transitions happen with hardware acceleration. The default styles are all updated.

Faster to Code

For the nerd in all of you,
we've built a new command line tool to spin up projects fast and added Libsass, speeding up your SCSS changes by 5X. Our HTML Templates have even been brought up to speed.

Faster to Learn

We overhauled our documentation with all new and more detailed code examples. And we're now supporting Foundation with a new forum and expert training so you can get started building even faster.

Build products, apps and services

Foundation 5 is the professional choice for designers, developers and teams.


Everything is semantic. You can have the cleanest markup without sacrificing the utility and speed of Foundation.

Mobile First

You can build for small devices first. Then, as devices get larger and larger, layer in more complexity for a complete responsive design.


You can customize your build to include or remove certain elements, as well as define the size of columns, colors, font size and more.


Millions of designers and developers depend on Foundation. Now we have business support, training and consulting to help grow your product or service.

Foundation Forum is here to help

Engage with other designers & engineers in our Foundation community

Sites using Foundation:

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