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NEI Photos and Images

Use of Images

The NEI Photos and Images Catalog is provided as a source of free visuals. Permission is granted to use these items for educational, news media or research purposes, provided the source for each image is credited. The NEI Photos and Images catalog may not be used to promote or endorse commercial products or services. Use by non-profit organizations in connection with fundraising or product sales is considered commercial use.

Permission to use NEI website graphics found any place other than the NEI Photos and Images catalog is granted on a case-by-case basis. Some are public domain, some are created by NEI contractors, some are copyrighted and some are used by NEI with specific permission granted by the owner. Therefore, the logos, photos and illustrations found on the NEI website should not be reused without permission.

For information about the copyright holders of a given photo or illustration on the NEI website; how the owners can be contacted; and what, if any, use those owners allow of their material; please contact the NEI Website Manager and provide the URL, file name, and intended use.

Granting the right to use a graphic from the website does not explicitly or implicitly convey NEI’s endorsement of the site where it is used.

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