2015 Report on Nation’s Waterways Provides Insight into Habitat Changes

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National Fish Habitat Partnership Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

April 26th marked the 10-Year Anniversary of NFHP

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Beyond the Pond

Non-Profit Established to Benefit The National Fish Habitat Partnership

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The National Fish Habitat Action Plan is an unprecedented attempt to address an unseen crisis for fish nationwide: loss and degradation of their watery homes.

This project seeks to stop erosion, reduce sedimentation, reduce elevated water temperatures, and restore a riparian zone of the Mulberry River, a state-designated Extraordinary Resource Waterbody and nationally designated Scenic River. Restoration will take place on private property adjacent to US Forest Service (USFS) lands. This is a cooperative community project that will restore the streambank, reestablish the riparian zone 60 feet out into the floodplain, and educate citizens on water quality and river protection.
Lake Wichita is the third oldestreservoir in Texas, completed in 1901. Historically Lake Wichita was known as the “Gem of North Texas”, and served as a recreation destination social mecca, a driving economic force, as a haven for the wise-use and conservation of fish and wildlife resources, and as a foundation for community growth by serving as a drinking water source. Having surpassed its expected 100-year life span, Lake Wichita is no longer able to provide significant social, economic, ecological, or recreational benefits to the community. Having recently gone through a historic drought, we were able to see first-hand the fisheries habitat impairments that plague Lake Wichita. Siltation, degraded shoreline areas, loss of connectivity, excessive nutrients, lack of structural habitat, and lack of water coming from the watershed combine to cause Lake Wichita to cease to meet any of its intended purposes.
Lake Wichita
The Qwuloolt (Qwuloolt means “marsh” in the Lushootseed language) Estuary is located within the Snohomish River floodplain about three miles upstream from its outlet to Puget Sound. Historically, the area was tidal marshand forest scrub-shrub habitat, interlaced by tidal channels, mudflats and streams. The project area was cut off from the natural influence of the Snohomish River and Salish Sea tides by levees, and drained by ditches instead of stream channels. Prior to the breach the area was characterized mostly by a monoculture of invasive reed canary grass instead of native estuarine vegetation, and warm water invasive fishes and amphibians. Through the cooperation of its many partners, this project has returned some of the historic and natural influences of the river and tides to the Qwuloolt area.

Our Partnerships

  • Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership
  • Desert Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership
  • California Fish Passage Forum
  • Western Native Trout Initiative
  • Southwest Alaska Salmon Habitat Partnership
  • Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Fishers & Farmers Partnership
  • Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Great Lakes Basin Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
  • Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
  • Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership
  • Matanuska Susitna Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership
  • Pacific Lamprey Partnership
  • Great Plains Fish Habitat Partnership
  • Driftless Area Restoration Effort

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Report on Nation’s Waterways Provides Insight into Habitat Changes

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National Fish Habitat Partnership 2015 Annual Report

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