How to search by keyword (tips)

If you are looking for a particular position, use the keyword field to indicate the specific job title, skills, or agency you are looking for.

Only jobs matching all of the words are returned

The keyword function searches for all terms in one job. If you list multiple words you will only see Job announcements which include all of the words you selected. You will not see any Job announcements that only have one or two of the words you selected. To maximize the number of jobs returned during your search, try limiting your search to only one keyword.

Using quotations

Use quotations to show job postings with the keywords you have listed as a whole. For example, if you search for physical fitness, you will see results for both words side-by-side and placed individually in the Job announcement. However, if you search for “physical fitness”, it will only show results for Job announcements that include the words physical fitness side-by-side.


To ensure that you get the most relevant results, we will automatically return results using synonym equivalents of your keywords. For example, if you entered Program Manager we will automatically look for jobs containing Program Coordinator and Program Director.

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