Wanted by the FBI: Angel DeLeon

November 10, 2016

A convicted felon wanted for his role in two murders is on the lam, and the FBI wants your tips to help track him down.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: A convicted felon wanted for his role in two murders is on the lam, and the FBI wants your tips to help track him down.

Angel DeLeon allegedly committed the murders as part of his involvement with the prison gang the New Mexico Syndicate.

Special Agent Bryan Acee says it happened in a prison in Las Cruces, New Mexico in 2001.

Bryan Acee: The prison gang decided to execute two of their members who they believed were informants. They were able to kill two guys at the same time in separate parts of the prison.

Halpern: The FBI is targeting this gang as part of a larger investigation.

Acee: So far, we’ve arrested over 90 members of the gang. Angel is our only outstanding fugitive.   

Halpern: DeLeon is a native of Chihuahua, Mexico and has ties to New Mexico and Texas. He uses many aliases, including Jose Luna.

Acee: DeLeon has two teardrops under his left eye and multiple other tattoos on his arms, chest, and fingers.

Halpern: If you have information of the whereabouts of Angel DeLeon, contact your local FBI field office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

With Wanted by the FBI, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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