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Used fuel in a Fukushima cooling pond after the earthquake.03.01.12Science Highlight

Lessons from Fukushima

Experts look at past nuclear accidents and potential scenarios to identify gaps in understanding nuclear fuel behavior. Read More »

Differences in the abundance of the types of sugar that can be extracted from four varieties of Sorgham after inoculation with the microbe Clostridium phytofermentans.02.01.12Science Highlight

New Approaches for Conversion of Plant Biomass to Ethanol

Researchers develop new assay for ease of converting plant biomass to ethanol. Read More »

Unique catalyst is also capable of driving the reaction and then reversing it – converting electricity to hydrogen for storage and then converting it back to electricity for use.02.01.12Science Highlight

Hydrogen Production Forwards and Backwards

A single reversible catalyst enables energy to be both stored and released on demand. Read More »

Polymeric sugars called Xyloglucans (black lines) were thought to tether cellulose microfibrils (red lines) in primary cell walls (top panel).02.01.12Science Highlight

Tether No More: A Revised Model for Plant Cell Walls

Biomechanical studies challenge current depictions of plant primary cell wall architecture. Read More »

Chemical Shift Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of a lithium battery after charging.02.01.12Science Highlight

Brains, Knees, . . . and now Batteries

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method non-destructively images the chemical and structural changes in a lithium ion battery. Read More »

Electric field amplitude for terahertz light transmitted through bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3).02.01.12Science Highlight

Showing that Surfaces Alone Can Conduct Electricity

Short pulses of light reveal an intrinsic conducting surface that is different from the bulk. Read More »

In the thermoelectric alloy copper antimony selenide (Cu3SbSe4, left), Sb atoms are bonded to four neighbors and are in the pentavalent (+5) charge state.02.01.12Science Highlight

Being Uncoordinated Can Improve Thermoelectric Performance

Antimony atoms with uncoordinated electrons block flow of heat in thermoelectric materials. Read More »

Schematic of catalytic fast pyrolysis02.01.12Science Highlight

Pumping up the Yield of Biofuels

A scalable catalytic process improves the yield of biofuels by 40%. Read More »

Selective hydrolysis and conversion of biomass hemicellulose to furfural02.01.12Science Highlight

“One Pot” Recipe for Biofuels

“One pot” catalyst converts up to 20% of dry biomass to a critical chemical used in biofuel production. Read More »

Mean seasonal fields of sea ice concentration (%)02.01.12Science Highlight

How Arctic Ice Edges Erode

Does polar ice erosion come from atmospheric heating or from oceanic advection of warm waters? Read More »

Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM