USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Pakistan

To Fight Extremism, The World Needs To Learn How To Talk To Women

A Kurdish female fighter of the Women’s Protection Units looks on at a training camp in al-Qahtaniyah, near the Syrian-Turkish border on Feb. 13. Syrian Kurdish forces have been fighting advances by the Islamic State jihadist group. / Delil Souleiman, AFP

From Iraq to Pakistan to Nigeria, groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram are winning the war for women’s hearts and minds — and it’s time to stop it.

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Mobile Agriculture: A Lifeline for Pakistan’s Farmers

A ‘connected’ farmer is sharing information with a ‘non-connected’ farmer in his community. / USAID/Pakistan

USAID is boosting rural incomes through “mobile agriculture,” a promising technology that sends crucial information and financial services directly to farmers’ mobile phones.

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Testing Readers in the Early Grades in Pakistan

The evaluator in a primary school in Pakistan talks with the young girl about the reading assessment, explaining how it works and what she will be doing.

Early Grade Reading Assessment is an essential tool in our educational toolbox as USAID invests in teaching 100 million children to read in 39 countries around the world.

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A Courageous Journey

"Like Nadia, women at a USAID-supported vocational center in Punjab, Pakistan are trained in different skills so they can earn a living for themselves and their families." Photo credit: Raja Zulfiqar

USAID’s Gender Equity Program provides small grants to Pakistani organizations to fund projects that expand access to justice for women. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

USAID news highlights during week of November 4, 2013. Read more >>

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From the Field in Pakistan: Catch of a Lifetime

After learning about a USAID-funded teachers’ education program, former fisherman Imran Ali Mallah decided to study to become a teacher. Photo credit:  USAID Teacher Education Project/EDC

A world away from education, Imran once worked diligently as a fisherman. Now, he’s living a different kind of life. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Administrator at at The George Washington University’s Feeding the Planet Summit, where he announced the Feed the Future Innovation Labs. Photo credit: Joslin Isaacson, HarvestPlus

USAID news highlights during week of October 28, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Food distribution in Haiti. Photo credit:  Osterman

USAID news highlights during week of October 21, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of September 16, 2013.

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From the Field in Pakistan: The Cattle Whisperer

Livestock extension worker Bushra Yasmeen poses in her clinic in Pir Mahal in Pakistan’s Punjab province. Bushra received training and basic supplies from USAID’s Dairy Project 
Photo credit: USAID Dairy Project

In rural areas of Pakistan, USAID is improving animal health-care services in 1,500 villages in the Punjab by providing support and guidance to women. Read more >>

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