Data News

Anomalies in the DMSP F-16 input data for the TMPA-RT created streaks of precipitation over open-ocean regions. We have now deleted faulty data and rerun the TMPA-RT for the period:

18 December 2016 at 09 UTC to 19 December 2016 at 18 UTC.

Please re-pull the affected data files.

There appears to be no corresponding issue with the IMERG data files due to different quality control routines.


PPS received replacement PRL1KA/KU files from JAXA.  PPS will reprocess the affected data including combined and downstream products (2AKa, 2AKu, 2ADPR, 2BCMB, 2HCSH, 2HSLH, 3GCSH, 3GSLH) from 2016-12-17 16:31:39 -> 2016-12-17 18:04:13.
If you have obtained any of these products from our archive or through a Standing Order, etc., please discard these and use the replacement products.


The following files and corresponding browse products will be replaced


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. 


We have discovered that the gauge analysis was erroneously omitted from the "production" 3B42/43 products starting with January 2016 due to issues with handling a change of data format.  Thus, the production 3B42/43 are being re-computed.  This does not affect the TMPA-RT suite of products, since no month-to-month gauge data are used.

Note this issue also affects the current Version 3 IMERG Final Run products for January 2016.  They are being recomputed as well.  The current Version 3 IMERG Early and Late Runs are not affected.

An update will be provided here when the corrected products are ready. 

UPDATE 9/27/16:

January 2016 IMERG has been regenerated and posted.  This was necessary
due to an error that omitted the gauge analysis in the Final products.
Also, 3B42/3B43 have been recomputed and posted. Let me know if you have
any further questions. 


PPS has removed the January 2016 GPM IMERG and January through June 2016 3B42/3B43 TMPA products from our ftp archive:

and STORM:

The GPM science team discovered that the IMERG final products for Jan 2016 and the Jan-Jun 2016 TMPA 3B42/3B43 products for which we merge the multi-satellite product with gauge analysis over land contained an error.  For 2016, the gauge was erroneously not included (input from GPCC), therefore over land, the estimates are purely multi-satellite.  Please note that this error doesn't affect estimates over the ocean.

As a result, we are choosing to retract and replace the 2016 January (only) IMERG and 2016 January through June 2016 3B42/3B43TMPA products.   The 2016 3B42/3B43 TMPA data is being reprocessed currently and should be available soon.

If you have acquired any of the 2016 IMERG or TMPA products mentioned above either through Standing Orders or other method; please discard these and replace them with the newly regenerated products.

We regret any inconvenience or problem that this may have caused.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Google Earth access for near-realtime IMERG and 3B42 KML files will be replaced by an updated service for viewing precipitation data in near-real time on a 3D virtual globe using Cesium (

The current plan is to make the cut-over to the new Cesium-based service on or about October 16, 2016.

The evolution of network policies and applications prevents continued GPM use of Google Earth.

If you wish to continue using KML files with a non-Google Earth client, please contact the Precipitation Measurement Missions at: 

The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down today, September 20,2016 from 8:00am -2:00pm EDT (12:00 - 18:00 UTC). for scheduled maintenance.

During this time all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable.

You may contact PPS Operations at 301-614-5247 , 301-614-5184 or fax us at 301-614-5269 if there are any urgent matters requiring our immediate attention during this period.

You will be informed when PPS systems become available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


The PPS (Precipitation Processing System) will be down Sunday September 18, 2016 -estimated time from 10:00am to 6:00pm EDT (14:00 - 22:00 UTC) for Special Unscheduled Maintenance.

Please note: although it is unlikely, due to unforeseen events PPS systems might be down overnight and only be available starting Monday morning, September 19, 2016.

During this time, all data transfers between PPS source and its consumer systems (GDAAC/DISC) as well as Science User services (FTP and STORM access) will be unavailable.

You may e-mail “” if there are any urgent matters requiring our immediate attention during this period.


FNMOC is behind in providing the SSMIS data used in IMERG. Therefore, the Early and possibly Late IMERG products will contain less satellite estimates and be of somewhat lesser quality.  

FNMOC stopped providing data around 00 UTC today (8 September 2016), meaning there has been no  data available from the three operational SSMIS sensors to the TMPA-RT datasets.  As a result, more lower-quality IR-based estimates are being used.  In addition, if there are dropouts in the IR data, there is a higher probability that gaps will appear in the combined product, 3B42RT.  We will update the situation when it changes.  



Level 2 and Level 3 GPROG MHS Version V04A products, starting from February 01, 2014 are in production and will be available to our registered users at:

This data can also be ordered through PPS's STORM

To register with PPS to obtain data, please visit:

The DataType designation for these products are as follows:


These can be found in the ftp directory:

GPM GPROF (Level 2) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documentation is available at:

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or comments.


Level 2 and Level 3 GPROF products for the NPP ATMS, starting from data date 2014-03-01 are in production and will be available to our registered users at:
These products can also be ordered through PPS's STORM

To register please visit:

The DataType designation for these products include:

and they are under the ftp directory:

GPM GPROF (Level 2) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document is accessible at:

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or comments.

