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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume VIII, International Monetary and Trade Policy

Evan Duncan
David S. Patterson
Carolyn Yee
General Editor:
David S. Patterson

United States Government Printing Office

Office of the Historian
Bureau of Public Affairs

Table of Contents


On the basis of a review of already published documentation, such as the American Foreign Policy series, Department of State Bulletin, and the annual reports of the Department of the Treasury, as well as research in government repositories, the editors decided to focus mainly on the following subjects for the research and selection of documents for inclusion in this volume: 1) balance-of-payments matters; 2) international financial matters, including decisions by the International Monetary Fund and the central bank governors; 3) a series of international monetary crises involving sterling, gold, and the French franc; and 4) trade and commercial subjects.

In response to the persistent and even worsening U.S. balance of payments, the Johnson administration developed several initiatives to attempt to ameliorate the situation. Because some of the bilateral and multilateral financial and monetary negotiations with foreign countries became intertwined with balance-of-payments matters, documentation on general balance-of-payments policy and international financial and monetary policy was combined in a single compilation. The other compilation in the volume, trade and commerce, covers export promotion programs and bilateral tariff issues but focuses particularly on the complicated multilateral Kennedy Round negotiations within the context of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

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