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Tag archives for Democracy

Could Sri Lanka’s 2015 Elections Signal a New Era of Democracy?

Sri Lankans line up to cast their vote during the country’s presidential election in January 2015. / USAID

Twice in the last year, Sri Lankans went to the polls to demand dramatic political changes in their government. The elections have changed the political landscape and culture in Sri Lanka.

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Witness to an Historic Ukrainian Election

Ukranian woman places vote in ballot box

Ukraine recently held historic elections as the world watched. USAID provided assistance to ensure the legitimacy and transparency of the process.

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International Day of Democracy: Strengthening Citizen Voices

A group of Kenyan youth marching for peace before the general elections in March 2013. Photo credit: USAID/Kenya

USAID celebrates International Day of Democracy, which was on September 15. Read more >>

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Addressing the Crisis in South Sudan’s Jonglei State

National Security Staff Senior Director for Development and Democracy Gayle Smith, Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Steve Pomper, and Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs Grant T. Harris discuss the situation in South Sudan at the White House, July 24, 2013. Photo credit: White House

Yesterday, the White House hosted NGOs and advocacy groups to discuss the political crisis in South Sudan, and how the U.S. can help end the violence and support South Sudan’s democratic development. Read more >>

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Behind the Scenes: Interview with Jeff Borns on Democracy-Building in Southern Africa

Southern Africa elections professionals on a USAID-financed program learn from members of the Independent Electoral Court in Pretoria, South Africa. Photo credit: UNISA

In this edition of our “Behind the Scenes” Interview Blog Series, we chat with Mission Director Jeff Borns about democracy-building in Southern Africa. Read more >>

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On the Front Lines in Africa

FrontLines: Spotlight on Africa

FrontLines editor shares some of her favorite FrontLines stories about our work in Africa. Read more >>

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From The Field: Getting Creative in Supporting Local Governance

Former USAID/Morocco Mission Director, John Groarke (left), speaks with members of the youth council and local press. Photo credit: USAID

Building a democratic, constitutional state is critical for lasting peace and stability. Read more >>

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Working to Keep Civil Society Open

Larry Garber and Sarah Mendelson are, respectively, Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning and the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance

We can keep civil society space open and ensure that the aspirations of people around the globe for freedom and dignity will be achieved Read more >>

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Connecting Parliament to the People in Timor-Leste

Parliamentarian Mateus de Jesus (CNRT) shows notes received from constituents during the "Listen to the People's Voice" forum in Maliana, Timor-Leste, in April 2013. Photo credit: Paul Randolph, USAID

In every democracy, it’s crucial that parliamentarians meet their constituents regularly to explain how they are serving communities as their elected representatives and listen to the views of citizens to incorporate them into legislation and public policies. Read more >>

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