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Textiles & Apparel

sewing fabricsUSTR's Special Textile Negotiator's office is responsible for international trade negotiations affecting textile and apparel products, at the multilateral, regional and bilateral level, including a particular emphasis on opening foreign markets to domestic producers.

The office is also responsible for ongoing liaison and contact with domestic stakeholders and Congress, many of whom have divergent interests, on the Administration's trade policy decisions and trade negotiations affecting sector products.

The office works closely with our trading partners to fully implement our trade agreements, and work on ways to maximize our industry's use of existing agreements, as well as in furtherance of common interests in the sector. They also monitor developments in our partner markets to ensure compliance with our trade agreements as they affect the sector.

Finally, the office provides technical and policy advice to other USTR offices and other Administration offices on trade policy issues affecting the textile and apparel sector.


DR-CAFTA:  Agreement on Technical Corrections to Textile and Apparel Rules of Origin, February 2011 (English)
DR-CAFTA:  Agreement on Technical Corrections to Textile and Apparel Rules of Origin, February 2011 (Spanish)


Related Links:

Department of Commerce Office of Textiles and Apparel
U.S. Customs and Border Protection