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Jan 23, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following statement upon the appointment of former Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) to be the Secretary of the Air Force:
Jan 23, 2017 Defense Drumbeat
WASHINGTON - Today, Chairman Thornberry talked with Fox News and released an editorial on his vision for defense spending in the short term. Watch and read both pieces below:
Jan 18, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - The House Armed Services Committee will hold no public events from January 23-27.
Jan 17, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - Today, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following statement in response to the President's commutation of inmate Manning's sentence:
Jan 12, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON--Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following comments after the Committee passed the waiver to allow retired Gen. James Mattis to serve as Secretary of Defense:
Jan 12, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON -Today, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, made the following remarks, as prepared for delivery, on the markup entitled “H.R. 393 - To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces.” For hearing testimony and to watch the hearing live click here.
Jan 11, 2017 Defense Drumbeat

January 11, 2017, marks the tenth anniversary of China’s test of an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile against their own weather satellite. On that date in 2007, China provocatively demonstrated their ability to attack satellites in a domain long perceived as “sanctuary”.  This action received strong international condemnation and placed the United States and its Allies on notice that our reliance on space for warfighting and intelligence was now at risk.

Jan 11, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following schedule featuring two (2) events the week of January 9-13.
Jan 11, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - Rep. Mac Thornberry, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, announced the Members who will lead the committee’s subcommittees in the 115th Congress.
Jan 11, 2017 Press Release
WASHINGTON - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) released the following schedule featuring two (2) events the week of January 9-13.



Jan 6, 2014 Video
View the latest videos from the committee.
