About EPA

Organization Chart for EPA's Region 1 Office


Region 1 Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator

About RA's Office


Office of Environmental Stewardship (OES)

Office of Administration and Resource Management (OARM)

Office of Regional Counsel (ORC)

Office of Ecosystem Protection (OEP)

Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation (OEME)

Office of Site Remediation and Restoration (OSRR)


Deborah Szaro, Acting Regional Administrator

EPA's Region 1 office includes:

Office of the Regional Administrator

Office of Public Affairs: Doug Gutro
Director, Office of Civil Rights: Sharon Wells
Regional Counsel: Carl Dierker

What We Do: This staff serves directly under the Regional Administrator and the Deputy Regional Administrator, and provides region-wide coordination for national environmental concerns, policies and programs within EPA New England. The RA's Office contains the Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Civil Rights and the Office of Regional Counsel.

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Office of Ecosystem Protection

Director: Ken Moraff

What We Do: This staff includes the Region's air, water, energy/climate change, tribal, urban, and grant programs. OEP works with New England states to implement national environmental standards including air permits, air toxics, indoor air, air quality, energy, municipal and community grants, water permits, water quality, surface water, wetlands, and drinking water in a way that reflects the connections among different environmental media.

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Office of Environmental Stewardship

Director: Susan Studlien

What We Do: This staff promotes improved environmental performance of the regulated community and ensures compliance with the nation's environmental laws through strategic use of enforcement, innovation and compliance assistance. The office includes scientific, engineering, technical, legal and support staff in the Region's Legal and Technical Enforcement Offices, as well as the Assistance and Pollution Prevention Office.

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Office of Site Remediation and Restoration

Director: Bryan Olson

What We Do: This staff focuses on restoring currently contaminated properties through management of all our responsibilities under CERCLA, the RCRA corrective action program and the Underground Storage Tank program. OSRR integrates the Superfund removal and remedial programs.

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Office of Administration and Resource Management

Director: Michael Kenyon

What We Do: This staff provides the advice and services needed to maintain the operations of the region and ensure effective stewardship of the public's funds. OARM includes the Human Resources Office; Grants Management Office; Contracts and Procurement Office; Information Services Branch; Office of the Comptroller; and Customer Service/Facilities Office.

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Office of Environmental Measurement and Evaluation

Location: North Chelmsford, Mass.

Director: Art Johnson

What We Do: This staff encompasses Region 1's New England Regional Laboratory, field and quality assurance functions, providing state-of-the-art monitoring, evaluation, and technical expertise to EPA, state, tribal and other partners. OEME is located at the region's state-of-the-art laboratory in North Chelmsford, Mass.

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