About EPA

About the Office of Environmental Information (OEI)

What We Do

OEI, headed by the Chief Information Officer, manages the life cycle of information to support EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment. We identify and implement innovative information technology and information management solutions that strengthen EPA's ability to achieve its goals. We ensure the quality of EPA's information, and the efficiency and reliability of EPA's technology, data collection and exchange efforts, and access services.  We provide technology services and manage EPA’s IT investments.


Dr. Steven Fine, Acting Assistant Administrator and Acting Chief Information Officer

The Office of Environmental Information includes:

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Office of Business Operations and Services (OBOS)

What We Do

The Office of Business Operations and Services manages OEI resources. The office is responsible for budget planning, formulation and execution; contracts, procurement, grants, cooperative agreements and interagency agreements; human resources, workforce development, and labor relations; and financial management, including financial tracking and security and information resources management.

Mail code: 2810A | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OBOS Organization

Karen Maher, Director
  • Phone: (202) 566-0362
Renee Gutshall, Deputy Director
  • Phone: (202) 566-0987

The Office of Business Operations and Services includes:

  • Information and Security Program Division
    Bill Sabbagh, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-9859
  • Human Resources and Administration Division
    Vacant, Director
    • Phone: 
  • Resource and Program Management Division
    Juanita Standifer, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-2764

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Office of Enterprise Information Programs (OEIP)

What We Do

OEIP ensures the proper use, release, and management of Agency information resources by leading the development, implementation and coordination of Agency-wide programs such as regarding the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), dockets, records management, information quality and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Office also manages the Agency’s eDiscovery Program, and the EPA Quality Program, leads EPA’s National Library Network, and manages Federal initiatives related to the proper use and release of content such as Federal eRulemaking and FOIAonline Programs.

Programs and Projects Managed by the Office of Enterprise Information

Mail code: 2821T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OEIP Organization

Rebecca Moser, Director
  • Phone: 202-566-0252
Monica Jones, Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-564-1641

The Office of Enterprise Information Programs includes:

  • Enterprise Records Management Division
    Robert Johnston, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1637
  • eDiscovery Division
    Vacant, Director
    • Phone:
  • FOIA, Libraries and Accessibility Division
    Jonda Byrd, Director
    • Phone: 513-569-7183
  • eRulemaking and FOIAonline Division
    Edward Cottrill, Director
    • Phone: 202-564-5002
  • Regulatory Support Division
    Eric Schultz, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1883
  • Enterprise Quality Management Division
    Vincia Holloman, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-564-5176

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Office of Information Technology Operations (OITO)

What We Do

OITO is responsible for the implementation and management of a secure information technology (IT) infrastructure and IT solutions in support of EPA’s mission.

Mail code: 2831T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OITO Organization

Harrell Watkins, Director
  • Phone: 202-564-0300
Brian Epley, Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-566-2153

The Office of Information Technology Operations includes:

  • Washington D.C. Operations Division
    Roberto Ruiz, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1579
  • Enterprise Hosting Division
    Tim Thorpe, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-0613
  • Service and Business Management Division
    Tom Reilly, Director
    • Phone: 919-541-3305
  • Desktop Support Services
    David Updike, Acting Director
    • Phone: 919-541-0780
  • Endpoint and Collaboration Solutions
    Liza Hearns, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-0759
  • Network and Security Operations
    John Gibson, Acting Director
    • Phone: 919-541-0112

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Office of Information Management (OIM)

What We Do

OIM is the lead organization for OEI and the CIO for information standards, information collection and exchange, information analysis and reporting, and web infrastructure and reporting. This organization serves as the Agency lead for information collection, management and reporting/publishing programs as well as developing and overseeing related Agency policy and web services.

Programs and Projects Managed by the Office of Information Management

Mail code: 2841T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OIM Organization

Matt Leopard, Director
  • Phone: 202-566-1698
Maja Lee, Acting Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-564-3989

The Office of Information Management includes:

  • Information Access and Analytic Services Division
    Robin Thottungal, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1788
  • Data Management Services Division
    Todd Holderman, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-2076
  • Information Exchange Services Division
    Connie Dwyer, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1691
  • Web Content Services Division
    Lin Darlington, Director
    • Phone: 202-566-0696

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Office of Information Security and Privacy (OISP)

What We Do

OISP promotes Agency-wide cooperation in managing risks and protecting EPA information in harmony with mission accomplishment. It defines clear, comprehensive and enterprise-wide information security and privacy strategies, including the Program mission, vision, goals, objectives and performance measures.

Programs and Projects Managed by the Office of Information Security and Privacy

Mail code: 2810A | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OISP Organization

Sean Kelley, Director
  • Phone: 202-566-1914
Jeff Anouilh, Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-566-2455

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Office of Digital Services and Technical Architecture (ODSTA)

What We Do

ODSTA serves as the Center of Excellence for agile systems engineering and project management. The Office plans and manages the architecture and future directions of EPA’s information technology infrastructure and identifies new technologies and technology support capabilities in response to Agency requirements.

Programs and Projects Managed by the Office of Digital Services and Technical Architecture

Mail code: N229-01 | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

ODSTA Organization

Robin Gonzalez, Director
  • Phone: 919-541-5659
Brenda Young, Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-564-1717

The Office of Digital Services and Technical Architecture includes:

  • Technical Architecture and Planning Division
    Joseph Salama, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1756
  • Digital Services Division
    Michael Hillard, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-1011

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Office of Customer Advocacy, Policy and Portfolio Management (OCAPPM)

What We Do

OCAPPM is the lead OEI organization for customer-facing support functions and strategic planning. The Office also manages the Agency’s information directives program and information portfolio, while providing leadership and support to the CIO and Agency’s information governance organizations.

Programs and Projects Managed by the Office of Customer Advocacy, Policy and Portfolio Management

Mail code: 2841T | EPA mailing addresses

Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OCAPPM Organization

Jeff Wells, Director
  • Phone: 202-566-0531
Patrick Grimm, Deputy Director
  • Phone: 202-566-1677

The Office of Customer Advocacy and Portfolio Management includes:

  • Customer Advocacy and Communications Division
    Barbara Galloway, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-566-0331
  • Policy Planning and Evaluation Division
    Elizabeth Jones, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-564-6167
  • Portfolio Management Division
    Chi Tran, Acting Director
    • Phone: 202-564-8591

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