Frequently Asked Questions

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Do specialty providers have to meet all of the meaningful use objectives for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs, or can they ignore the objectives that are not relevant to their scope of practice?

There are ten objectives for EPs, and nine objectives for eligible hospitals and CAHs. These objectives are required for all providers for an EHR reporting period beginning in 2017. Objectives and measures that do not have exclusion criteria or alternate exclusions and specifications must be met by the provider. However, certain objectives do provide exclusions. If an EP meets the criteria for that exclusion, then the EP can claim that exclusion during attestation. However, if an exclusion is not provided or if the EP does not meet the criteria for an existing exclusion, then the EP must meet the measure of the objective in order to successfully demonstrate meaningful use and receive an EHR incentive payment. Failure to meet the measure of an objective or to qualify for an exclusion for the objective will prevent a provider from successfully demonstrating meaningful use and receiving an incentive payment. For more information about the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, please visit Keywords: FAQ10469 Updated 5/12/2016

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