Frequently Asked Questions

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How is hospital-based status determined for eligible professionals in the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs?

A hospital-based eligible professional (EP) is defined as an EP who furnishes 90% or more of their covered professional services in either the inpatient (Place of Service 21) or emergency department (Place of Service 23) of a hospital. Covered professional services are physician fee schedule (PFS) services paid under Section 1848 of the Social Security Act. CMS uses PFS data from the Federal fiscal year immediately preceding the calendar year for which the EHR incentive payment is made (that is, the "payment year") to determine what percentage of covered professional services occurred in either the inpatient (Place of Service 21) or emergency department (Place of Service 23) of a hospital. The percentage determination is made based on total number of Medicare allowed services for which the EP was reimbursed, with each unit of a CPT billing code counting as a single service. States will use claims and/or encounter data (or equivalent data sources at the State's option) to make this determination for Medicaid. States may use data from either the prior fiscal or calendar year. EPs can learn whether or not they are considered hospital based for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program by registering now for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. For the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, EPs should contact their states for more information. For more information about the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, please visit Keywords: FAQ10464

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