Frequently Asked Questions

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The billing provider on a claim is an eligible professional (EP) but the performing provider type is not an EP. If we use claims to validate patient volume or meaningful use for the Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program, should we count performing providers (person rendering the service) or the billing provider?

In establishing an encounter for purposes of patient volume, please see the regulations at 495.306(e)(2)(i)-(ii) at 75 FR 44579. Furthermore, in estimating patient volume for any EP or hospital, we do not specify any requirements around billing, but rather we discuss patients. For example, if a physician’s assistant (PA) provides services, but they are billed through the supervising physician, it seems reasonable that a State has the discretion to consider the patient as part of the patient volume for both professionals. However, this policy would need to be applied consistently. In this scenario, using services provided by the PA but billed under the physician in the physician’s numerator (e.g., Medicaid encounters) also would increase the physician’s denominator (all encounters), because the State would need to adequately reflect the total universe of patients (both Medicaid and non-Medicaid) who the PA saw, but for whom the physician billed.In terms of meaningful use, because each eligible professional must demonstrate meaningful use of certified EHR technology him or herself, if the State cannot not distinguish between the physician’s claims and the PA’s individual claims, then this would not be an adequate audit methodology. To view the final rule, please visit: For more information about the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, please visit FAQ10098

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