Frequently Asked Questions

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Objective? Is there an alternate exclusion available to accommodate the changes to how the measures are counted?

We do not intend to inadvertently penalize providers for changes to their systems or reporting made necessary by the provisions of the 2015 EHR Incentive Programs Final Rule. This includes alternate exclusions for providers for certain measures in 2016 which might require the acquisition of additional technologies they did not previously have or did not previously intend to include in their activities for meaningful use (80 FR 62945). For 2016, EPs scheduled to be in Stage 1 or Stage 2 must attest to at least 2 measures from the Public Health Reporting Objective Measures 1-3 and eligible hospitals or CAHs scheduled to be in Stage 1 or Stage 2 must attest to at least 3 public health measures from the Public Health Reporting Objective Measures 1-4. We will allow providers to claim an alternate exclusion for the Public Health Reporting measure(s) which might require the acquisition of additional technologies providers did not previously have or did not previously intend to include in their activities for meaningful use. We will allow Alternate Exclusions for the Public Health Reporting Objective in 2016 as follows: EPs scheduled to be in Stage 1 and Stage 2: Must attest to at least 2 measures from the Public Health Reporting Objective Measures 1-3 • May claim an Alternate Exclusion for Measure 2 and Measure 3 (Syndromic Surveillance and Specialized Registry Reporting). • An Alternate Exclusion may only be claimed for up to two measures, then the provider must either attest to or meet the exclusion requirements for the remaining measure described in 495.22 (e)(10)(i)(C). Eligible hospitals/CAHs scheduled to be in Stage 1 and Stage 2: Must attest to at least 3 measures from the Public Health Reporting Objective Measures 1-4 • May claim an Alternate Exclusion for Measure 3 (Specialized Registry Reporting) • An Alternate Exclusion may only be claimed for one measure, then the provider must either attest to or meet the exclusion requirements for the remaining measures described in 495.22 (e)(10)(ii)(C). Created 02/25/2016 with FAQ14401 Updated with new FAQ#15881 on 06/30/2016

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