Frequently Asked Questions

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What steps does a provider have to take to determine if there is a specialized registry available for them, or if they should instead claim an exclusion?

The eligible professional (EP) is not required to make an exhaustive search of all potential registries. Instead, they must do a few steps to meet due diligence in determining if there is a registry available for them, or if they meet the exclusion criteria. 1 – An EP should check with their State* to determine if there is an available specialized registry maintained by a public health agency. 2 – An EP should check with any specialty society with which they are affiliated to determine if the society maintains a specialized registry and for which they have made a public declaration of readiness to receive data for meaningful use no later than the first day of the provider’s EHR reporting period. If the EP determines no registries are available, they may exclude from the measure. For EPs: The provider may meet the specialized registry measure up to 2 times. This can be done through reporting to: Two registries maintained by a public health agency Two registries maintained by one or more specialty societies One registry maintained by a public health agency and one maintained by a specialty society One registry maintained by a public health agency and one exclusion One registry maintained by a specialty society and one exclusion Two exclusions PLEASE NOTE: In 2015, providers may also simply claim an alternate exclusion for a measure as defined in FAQ 12985. *If you report to an entity other than a State as your reporting jurisdiction (such as a county) you may elect to check with them. Created 12/11/2015 Updated 02/25/2016

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