USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Water

Using Mobile Phones to Alert Households Waiting for ‘NextDrop’ of Water

Emily Kumpel, representing the NextDrop team, accepts an award in 2011 to scale up the team’s pilot study in Hubli-Dharwad. / Big Ideas Contest

Unreliable water supply is a serious impediment to health and economic development. Across the globe, 400 million people rely on unreliable water systems, and 250 million of them live in India. Learn how one organization is working to help.

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Providing Clean Water to Families Fleeing Violence in Central Darfur

Triangle Generation Humanitaire and community members worked together to build more than 1,150 emergency latrines. / Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Mohammed and his family fled from village to village trying to escape ongoing violence in Sudan. Once settled in Ammar Jaded in Central Darfur, his family faced a new foe — dirty water that was making his children sick.

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Water for the World: Making Every Gallon Count

The IUWASH project focuses on providing water, sanitation and hygiene for the urban poor in Indonesia. / USAID/IUWASH

The impact of water on all aspects of life is undeniable, especially for people living in extreme poverty. Learn how USAID’s efforts to save lives through sustainable access to water, sanitation and hygiene got a big boost this past year.

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Water, Food and Extreme Poverty

A farmer ploughs his field in a village in West Bengal, India. The Securing Water for Food Grand Challenge for Development is helping harness ideas that have the potential to enable developing world farmers to grow more food with less water, or to make more water available for agriculture.

USAID is harnessing the power of innovation to address one of the most pressing challenges in the developing world — securing water for food. Learn more about the most exciting ideas we’ve received!

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World Water Day

Last week, millions of people globally celebrated World Water Day and one of life’s most basic requirements – water. A building block of life, water is also at the core of sustainable development and is linked to every major development challenge. The focus of this year’s World Water Day was the nexus between water and energy, underscoring the crosscutting nature of this issue.

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Growing More Food With Less Water

A farmer in Iraq grows healthy crops by using innovative irrigation techniques.

When you sit down to your next meal, take a look at your plate.  How much water do you see? The obvious answer might be “little” or “none”.  But the surprising truth is you are likely consuming thousands of liters of water every time you sit down for a quick bite. Estimates suggest the average […]

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Pounds of Prevention – Focus on Namibia

Traditional  tilling results in crops that are shorter and less abundant  (left) than those produced using conservation  agriculture methods (right), which include ripping and  furrowing the land, allowing it to retain more rainwater.

The next installment in the USAID Pounds of Prevention series (PDF) takes us to Namibia. Read more >>

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Pounds of Prevention: Focus on Haiti


This installment of USAID’s Pounds of Prevention series (PDF) takes us to Haiti where we are working to reduce the risks posed by floods in Port-au-Prince. Read more >>

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Access to Water Empowers Women in Morocco’s Middle Atlas

Increased access to water changes women and girls' lives in Morocco. Photo credit: USAID

By working directly with local partners, our assistance is amplified far beyond the water tap. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

USAID news highlights during week of November 4, 2013. Read more >>

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