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Tag archives for Sudan

Providing Clean Water to Families Fleeing Violence in Central Darfur

Triangle Generation Humanitaire and community members worked together to build more than 1,150 emergency latrines. / Triangle Génération Humanitaire

Mohammed and his family fled from village to village trying to escape ongoing violence in Sudan. Once settled in Ammar Jaded in Central Darfur, his family faced a new foe — dirty water that was making his children sick.

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A New Presidential Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan

President Barack Obama meets with Ambassador Donald Booth, Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, in the Oval Office, Aug. 28, 2013. Photo credit: Pete Souza

Yesterday, President Obama appointed Ambassador Donald Booth as the new U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan. Read more >>

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No Longer Just Food: Communities Create Assets to Build Food Security in South Sudan

Woman in South Sudan. Photo credit: USAID

U.S. government food assistance programs are providing vital timely assistance to food insecure South Sudanese. Read more >>

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A New Partnership with South Sudan, A New Way of Promoting Development in Fragile States

Earl Gast serves as assistant administrator for Africa

Last month, USAID helped to spearhead a New Partnership between the government of South Sudan and the international community to focus international assistance and host country resources on strengthening governance, political inclusiveness and sustainable development in South Sudan. Read more >>

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In a Traditional Society, a South Sudanese Woman Becomes a Role Model

Athieng Riak Jok, gender technical advisor with the USAID-funded Jonglei Food security Program in South Sudan. Photo credit: Catholic Relief Services

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we recognize Athieng Riak Jok, who works as a community gender technical advisor in South Sudan. Read more >>

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Raising the Bar: Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies

Ethiopia, October 2010.  Photo credit: Jane Strachan, USAID

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”. Read more >>

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From the Field: Gender Equity through Education in South Sudan


Regina Anek, a deputy director for gender at South Sudan’s Ministry of Education in Eastern Equatoria, just saved a 14-year old girl Read more >>

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The Path to Peace Starts with Embracing Diversity for Sudan’s Youth

Sudan is often described as a country rich with many different ethnic groups, languages, religions, and tribal affiliations.  I recently witnessed how true this is when I attended a USAID-sponsored session for young women from different areas of Sudan, held at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum. The session focused on the options available for graduate […]

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Earth Week Series: USAID-Funded Boma National Park Headquarters Inaugurated in South Sudan

Officials from the Republic of South Sudan and United States Government on March 8 inaugurated the Boma National Park Headquarters and Boma Payam Headquarters in Jonglei State, drawing attention to the important role that the establishment of protected area management and local governance infrastructure and capacity can play in contributing to security, stability, eco-tourism development […]

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USAID In the News

Weekly Briefing (3/12/2012 – 3/16/2012) March 14: A recent study highlighted in Federal Computer Week magazine showed that USAID was one of three federal agencies currently in full compliance with the White House transparency recommendations issued in March 2011. Under the Administration’s Open Government Directive released in December 2009, agencies developed open government plans in April 2010. Many […]

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