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Tag archives for Innovation

Leveraging Markets for Global Health

An analyst at the National Quality Control Laboratory in Kenya conducts a test on a pharmaceutical sample. / Tobin Jones, Chemonics

USAID’s work with new insecticide sprays and antiretrovirals demonstrates the potential impact of maximizing market forces to achieve global health goals. Through collaboration, USAID aims to continue identifying and realizing market-shaping opportunities.

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Young Entrepreneurs Develop Startups in Serbia

Milan Brindić, 26, co-creator of Bincode Entertainment, collaborates with team members at the ICT Hub. / Laura Jagla, USAID

In Serbia, USAID is partnering with the private sector to increase economic opportunity for young entrepreneurs in the ICT sector.

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Here’s What Happens When Global Hunger Meets American Ingenuity


Smart development in action: Agriculture is proving to be a win-win for the United States, developing countries and the world as a whole.

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Calling all Innovators to Help Fight Ebola

Health workers in personal protective equipment (PPE) wait to enter the hot zone at Island Clinic in Monrovia, Liberia on Sept 22. 2014. PPE is their primary protection, but it is also the greatest source of stress

Today, West Africa faces the largest Ebola epidemic in history. A new Grand Challenge for Development is calling on innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs to generate pioneering solutions that help health care workers on the front lines provide better care and contain this devastating virus.

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Water, Food and Extreme Poverty

A farmer ploughs his field in a village in West Bengal, India. The Securing Water for Food Grand Challenge for Development is helping harness ideas that have the potential to enable developing world farmers to grow more food with less water, or to make more water available for agriculture.

USAID is harnessing the power of innovation to address one of the most pressing challenges in the developing world — securing water for food. Learn more about the most exciting ideas we’ve received!

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The Power of Scientific Research Investment in Africa

USAID-related science programs assist in expanding training for women. / Zahur Ramji (AKDN)

Earlier this month, the New York Times published an op-ed arguing persuasively that scientific and technological progress is the key to African development. We are pleased to say that this vision is one that USAID fully supports and has already taken significant steps to catalyze. Today, Africans are the architects of their development, not just beneficiaries.

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Making for a Stronger Africa

WoeLab inventor Afate Gniko with his e-waste 3D printer. /

The Maker Movement is transforming the way we design and produce things – both here at home and overseas. With young African leaders having recently converged on Washington, we got a first hand look at how makers are shaking up the continent

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NASA Earth Data Jumpstarts World’s Aspiring Researchers

Burma’s Inle Lake attracts thousand of tourists each year but its fragile ecosystem is in danger. / Kelly Ramundo, USAID

Question: What do you get when you mix NASA data, USAID’s development expertise, and some of the best young scientific minds the world can offer?

Answer: Some of the most promising ideas to help solve the world’s biggest challenges

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Ending Extreme Poverty with a New Model of Development

On April 3, U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah unveiled the U.S. Global Development Lab.

Working together, we can throw open the doors of development and engage millions of people in our mission to unlock a brighter future for all.

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U.S. Global Development Lab Launches to Develop and Scale Solutions to Global Challenges


Imagine a world in which diagnostics for diseases that are prevalent in developing countries are available at pennies per use, renewable off-grid energy services are affordable for households earning less than $2/day, and every family has enough healthy food to eat. USAID is helping to turn these ideas into realities by launching the U.S. Global Development Lab.

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