USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for In the News

USAID in the News

This photo was taken in hard-hit Tacloban, where USAID, working with UNICEF, has helped repair the municipal water system. Photo credit:  IOM/J. Lowry

USAID news stories during week of November 18, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

USAID news highlights during week of November 4, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Administrator at at The George Washington University’s Feeding the Planet Summit, where he announced the Feed the Future Innovation Labs. Photo credit: Joslin Isaacson, HarvestPlus

USAID news highlights during week of October 28, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

USAID news highlights during week of October 14, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

A Promise Renewed

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of September 16, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

The results of the American doctors' visit were given to Alan Gross's wife, Judy, seen here, and the rest of his family. Photo credit: CNN

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of August 12, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Children from Lusaka's Vera Chiluba school in Zambia. Photo credit: Sinjela Derrick

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of July 8, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Administrator Rajiv Shah and Secretary of State John Kerry. Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of June 24, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Children in Sindh, Pakistan, play at a water pump. Photo credit: Georgetown Public Policy Review

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of June 17, 2013. Read more >>

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USAID in the News

Chelsea Clinton visits a Clinton Health Access Initiative project. Photo credit: Thu Van Dinh

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of June 3, 2013. Read more >>

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