Today in Energy


October 3, 2016

California program encourages adoption of zero-emissions vehicles

May 11, 2016

Annual passenger travel tends to increase with income

December 7, 2015

Energy use by federal agencies continues to decline

October 30, 2015

Vehicle standards around the world aim to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions

September 15, 2015

U.S. job market and automotive sales trends support growth in gasoline use

December 11, 2014

Several states are adding or increasing incentives for electric vehicle charging stations

December 10, 2014

California leads the nation in the adoption of electric vehicles

July 22, 2014

Fuel economy and average vehicle cost vary significantly across vehicle types

July 18, 2014

Light-duty vehicles’ share of transportation energy use is projected to fall

July 15, 2014

Significant fuel economy improvement options exist for light-duty gasoline vehicles

July 11, 2014

Fuel economy improvements show diminishing returns in fuel savings

May 13, 2014

China promotes both fuel efficiency and alternative-fuel vehicles to curb growing oil use

April 16, 2014

Personal travel growth significantly influences projected transportation energy demand

January 3, 2014

Few transportation fuels surpass the energy densities of gasoline and diesel

October 10, 2013

New-vehicle fuel economy continues to increase

February 14, 2013

Few transportation fuels surpass the energy densities of gasoline and diesel

December 7, 2012

EIA projections for carbon dioxide emissions reflect changes in key drivers

July 2, 2012

EIA’s AEO2012 includes analysis of breakthroughs in vehicle battery technology

June 22, 2012

Significant potential for plug-in vehicles exists in U.S. housing stock

April 30, 2012

Access to alternative transportation fuel stations varies across the lower 48 states

August 11, 2011

Consumption of alternative transportation fuels held steady in 2009

August 10, 2011

Number of alternative fuel vehicles in vehicle fleets increased in 2009

April 21, 2011

Vehicle use varies across U.S. regions

February 10, 2011

EIA projects rapid growth in unconventional vehicle sales

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