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AWIS Magazine
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Media Kit
By advertising in AWIS Magazine, your company or institution will be able to speak to a highly targeted and qualified audience:

  • You can reach approximately 6,000 women scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.
  • Libraries also stock AWIS Magazine, allowing us to reach an even larger readership.
  • Almost all of our readers work in academic institutions, industry, and government.
  • Over 50% of our readers are PhD scientists.

    Place advertisements in a frequently referenced journal:

  • AWIS Magazine articles are often cited by other prestigious publications, such as Science, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Science's Next Wave.

    Benefit from our low prices:

  • Discount rates to academic institutions and advertising agencies.
  • Access multimedia advertising.

    You can present the image of a company or institution that supports gender equity and provides a safe and fair working environment. AWIS Magazine is eager to work cooperatively with companies and institutions, because we are invested in our readers and want to provide them with the widest range of opportunities.

    Magazine Advertising                      Internet Advertising

  • Magazine Advertising


    Size Specifications
    (in inches)
    1/4 page Black & White 31/2w  x  47/10h $875
    1/4 page COLOR 31/2w  x  47/10h $1825
    1/2 vertical page Black & White 31/2w  x  93/5h $1275
    1/2 vertical page COLOR 31/2w  x  93/5h $2225
    1/2 horizontal page Black & White 7w  x  47/10h $1275
    1/2 horizontal page COLOR 7w  x  47/10h $2225

    1/2 horizontal page COLOR

    (back cover)

    7w  x  47/10h $2525
    Full page Black & White 7w  x  93/5h $1950
    Full page COLOR 7w  x  93/5h $2900

    Full page COLOR

    (inside front or inside back cover)

    7w  x  93/5h $3400

    AWIS Magazine has a worldwide circulation of over 4,000. Readership includes all active members of the Association for Women in Science as well as libraries, universities, and other institutions. AWIS has a diverse membership representing fields spanning the life and physical sciences, mathematics, social science and engineering. Over 65% of the membership are PhD scientists.

    Closing Dates
    Deadline for space reservations is 4 weeks prior to the publication date.

    AWIS Magazine Calendar

    Winter, 2009
    Release Date - February 5, 2009

    Spring, 2009
    Release Date - May 15, 2009

    Summer, 2009
    Release Date - August 15, 2009

    Fall, 2009
    Release Date - November 15, 2009

    AWIS Magazine Advertising

    Submissions Advertisements may be sent to:
    AWIS Program Manager Meredith Gibson.
    1200 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 650
    Washington, DC 20005
    Phone: 202-326-8941
    Fax: 202-326-8960

    All print advertisement rates are discounted 15% to advertising agencies.
    All print advertisement rates are discounted 25% to academic institutions.

    Written cancellation of order must be received no later than the closing date. Advertisements canceled after the issue closing date will be billed at the prevailing space rate.

    Tax ID # 23-7221574


    Printing Specifications

    Line Screen:
    Two color
    Page Trim Size:
    8.25 X 10.75
    Right reading emulsion down negative film or camera-ready art are preferred
    Printing Process offset
    Paper Stock 70 lb. gloss enamel -- bleeds acceptable
    Binding Method Saddle Stitch

    AWIS Online - The Internet Recruitment Resource


    Rates, Requirements, and General Advertising Policies

    Posting Schedule: Online advertising is posted on the AWIS website within 5 business days of your insertion request. The advertisements stay online for one month. One month equals four consecutive weeks.

    Advertisers should submit their ad via email to: gibson@awis.org. The name of the job or position must appear at the beginning of all recruitment ads. Please indicate the discipline for where the job should appear (e.g. Life Science, Social Science, Physical Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology). 

    Billing and contact information (including fax and phone numbers) are required when requesting insertion.

    Advertisement Rates
    $300 per month. Use of your logo in an AWIS online ad is an additional $50.