USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Tag archives for Education

Breaking Down Ethnic Divides in Macedonia

Ethnic Albanian and Macedonian students, teachers and school principal take a break during a joint art project in preparation for the Easter holiday in the primary school “Naum Ohridski” in Skopje, Macedonia. Credit: Kristen Byrne, USAID

In observance of the International Day for Tolerance on November 16, Andrew Plitt, USAID Senior Development Advisor to the United States European Command (USEUCOM), reflects on how USAID and the Department of Defense are helping to build a more unified Macedonia after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Through his eyes, the USAID-DOD partnership is providing a glimmer of hope for the future of Macedonia, especially among its youth.

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Even Amid a Humanitarian Crisis, Education Cannot Wait

Victoria Cole, 12, hasn’t let the Ebola crisis interrupt her education. Here she participates in in an outdoor classroom while schools in Liberia were closed during the height of the Ebola epidemic / Neil Brandvold for USAID

During emergencies, education often becomes an afterthought. But without it, children are at increased risk of abuse. No one donor can do this alone. We must work together with countries affected by these crises and our education partners.

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Building Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth in Jordan


USAID launches a program in Jordan to expand non-formal education to 28 new school-based centers. The effort aims to enhance the prospects of vulnerable, out-of-school youth, both Jordanian and Syrian.

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What We See in Lebanon and Jordan

USAID Assistant Administrator Paige Alexander meets a Syrian family living in Tafileh, Jordan. / Mohammed Maghayda, USAID

Jordan and Lebanon have opened their doors to Syrians fleeing conflict in their home country, and USAID is helping these generous neighbors of Syria manage the added needs for housing, education and other vital services.

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Back in the Classroom: Displaced Students in Nigeria Find Education & Hope

Youth displaced by Boko Haram take part in a non-formal learning class in Gombe, Nigeria on Sept. 26 as part of USAID’s Education Crisis Response program. / David Snyder for USAID

The lives of more than 1 million Nigerian children and youth have been derailed by violence. USAID is working to give these internally displaced children a chance to continue their education with community based non-formal learning centers.

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Advocating for Sign Language Education as a Human Right


In some parts of the world, being deaf can mean being cut off from education and left without alternative options. USAID is committed to changing that, working to make sure every child can learn, grow and be empowered.

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Overcoming the Stigma of Disability Across the Globe

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This year, Americans celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Let’s take a moment to recognize the impact of USAID’s inclusive education and youth workforce development programs in other parts of the world.

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Towards a New Global Education Agenda

USAID Senior Advisor for International Education Christie Vilsack visits with primary grade students in Malawi. / Christie Vilsack, USAID

This week in South Korea, education takes center stage on the global policy agenda as education leaders gather for the World Education Forum. USAID will work with partner countries to develop a new action plan for education.

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Young Storytellers and the Power of Literacy

Rwanda Literacy Week celebrated reading and writing across the country. / Jonathan Padway, USAID

In Rwanda, a land with an oral history as rich and beautiful as the hills that roll across it, one tale is special. The story “Old Woman and a Hyena” was written by an 11-year-old boy who won a USAID-supported national writing competition.

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FrontLines: Foreign Aid Impact in U.S. and Abroad

A worker at the Banko Gotiti Cooperative in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region of Ethiopia holds a handful of ripe red Yirgacheffe coffee berries. Credit: Marcelo Pereira / USAID Agribus Market Develop

How does USAID’s work in developing countries impact Americans in the United States? Check out the new issue of FrontLines to find out.

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