UHC receives major support through annual grants from:

A 2009
Intermountain Combined Federal Campaign Charity


Welcome to the Utah Humanities Council, your bridge to programs and resources that promote understanding of diverse traditions, values, and ideas. We’re proud of our thirty-four year history expanding minds “one story at a time.”

Visit here often to learn about programs and events in your area of the state.

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Upcoming Events

October is Utah Humanities
Book Month!
Click here for more information.

diamond Oct 8: Moab Reads
Moab: Moab Reads Community Book Discussions on Wallace Stegner's "Angle of Repose".

diamond Oct 10-11: Utah Rock Art Research Assoc 29th Symposium
Cedar City: URARA's annual symposium program features over twenty speaker including archeologists, avocational researchers, artists, and scholars who discuss recent scientific discoveries, exploration of styles, the culture of the people who made the rock art and what it might mean.

Click here for complete
calendar of events.

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