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#CoverageMatters: Share Your Story

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Hundreds of people have shared their personal health care stories through Facebook posts, tweets, Instagrams, popular media outlets and other public sources. Click on a button to read a personal story.*

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*If a city is not provided, the state capital is the default city for mapping purposes.

The Affordable Care Act is part of the fabric of our nation, and it’s the law of the land.

Across the country, it’s making a difference for millions of Americans. That’s why we want you to share your personal story about how health coverage is stronger under the ACA using the hashtag #CoverageMatters. 

We want to hear from Americans with employer coverage who no longer have to worry about lifetime or annual limits; from women who have gotten coverage for contraception at no out-of-pocket cost; from individuals with pre-existing conditions who can no longer be locked out of coverage; from people who got covered through the ACA marketplaces or under Medicaid expansion; and from entrepreneurs who could finally pursue their business idea, since they didn’t have to stay tied to a job just for coverage.

We want to hear from all of you. Be a part of the conversation and share your story on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag #CoverageMatters.

Here is a word cloud that captures people sharing their story on social media:

Word cloud for #CoverageMatters

#CoverageMatters to me because...


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Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed on December 7, 2016
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