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Coverage to Care

Congratulations on getting health coverage—it's an important first step to better health and well-being!

Coverage isn't only important when you are sick, it’s helpful when you don’t feel sick. This roadmap explains what health coverage is, and how to use it to get the primary care and preventive services to help you and your family live long, healthy lives.

How it works:

Click through the different steps of the Roadmap below from start to finish, or jump to a step for quick reference. The Roadmap is also available in seven other languages, in addition to English - click here for more options.

Start leading a healthier life today!

Want to learn more, or find additional resources?

You can order resources for free! Find more 'Coverage to Care' videos, printable guides, and an enrollment toolkit by visiting http://marketplace.cms.gov/c2c.

All resources were developed and created by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Office of Minority Health

Content created by Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA)
Content last reviewed on February 22, 2013
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