Generosity Begins at Home

man and woman outsideWith the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, I want to wish you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season.

This is a time of reflection for all of us. A time to embrace the season’s spirit of generosity and selflessness. We like to give to our loved ones and let them know how much we care. This year, while you do that, don’t forget to also show some love and generosity to yourself. Continue reading


Act Now! Open Enrollment for Affordable Healthcare

act-now-open-enrollAffordable healthcare is something that all Americans deserve. Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of people and their families were at risk of financial ruin because they were uninsured. Health insurance companies could also deny health insurance coverage due to a preexisting condition like cancer or diabetes. Fortunately, you are now protected with the ACA. Continue reading


A Call to Action during the ACA Women’s Week of Action

A group of three happy, senior African American women standing together at the park. Two of them are looking at the camera and laughing. The main focus is on the woman in the middle.

Women everywhere are living longer and working harder. Along with those realities comes a greater need to manage risks related to our health and financial futures. Both the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and Social Security can help women manage those risks. During this week’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) Women’s Week of Action—November 9-13—we call each of you, women everywhere, to action. Continue reading


Trust Fund Reserve Gains One Year for Projected Depletion Date

A person delivers a packet of papers to a second person.By now, you’ve probably heard that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act.  In case you didn’t know, this year is also the 75th anniversary of the payment of the first monthly benefits.

And, today, the Social Security Board of Trustees released the 75th annual report to Congress on the financial status of the Social Security trust funds.

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In Times Like These, Every Cent Counts

Two men use a laptop computerIn the good old days…

If, as a child, you asked your grandparents for 50 cents to go to the store to buy ice cream, they might have taken you on a journey down memory lane before giving you the money for your treat. Apparently, in the “good old days,” 50 cents bought you a whole meal, a trip to the movies, and an outfit. When was the last time you bought something substantial for 50 cents without a discount coupon?

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