Missoula, Montana
September 9, 1985

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Age 20 to 35 years old
Hair Brown/Black
Eyes Unknown
Height 4'10" to 5'3"
Weight 90 to 110 pounds
Sex Female
Race Asian


The victim is thought to be Japanese. She had the following unique dental characteristics:

- Screw-in type of dental post on tooth #12, unique to the types of dental posts used in Asia and unlike those used in the United States and Europe

- Amalgam fillings on ten of the victim's teeth and root canals on two teeth

- Tooth #32 had been extracted, likely within the previous year

- Teeth on the victim’s right side were stained, possibly from smoking.


On September 9, 1985, the remains of an unidentified Asian female believed to be of Japanese descent were recovered in a rural wooded area in Missoula County, Montana. No clothing or other personal effects were located. The victim’s estimated date of death was approximately one year prior. Dental x-rays and DNA are available for comparison.

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