Science Research Connection

Science Research Connection (SRC) offers to the DOE community research information integrated from various OSTI databases, including both unclassified/unlimited and statutorily controlled information. SRC requires either IP authentication and/or registration and access is free of charge. If you are a DOE Federal or DOE Contractor employee and wish to register for an SRC account, please accept the access agreement below and then select the register link.

 Access Notice

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I certify that my access to the Science Research Connection (SRC) database is authorized and that use of the information contained herein is for official governmental purposes only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system and the information contained herein may result in administrative disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties.

Unauthorized use or disclosure of proprietary or other confidential information by Department of Energy (DOE) federal employees may result in criminal penalties as set forth in the Trade Secrets Act (18 USC 1905). DOE contractors, including prime contractors, subcontractors and site/facility contractors, are subject to the provisions against disclosure of proprietary information as set forth in their respective contracts (or subcontracts) with DOE.

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