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What's New?

MMSC Course Registration is Open!

​Winter is in full swing, but you can still think spring and register for a motorcycle rider training course! Registration is now open for all MMSC training sites. Training is available for beginning, intermediate, advanced and expert riders. If you already took a training course last year, challenge yourself and take the next level this season. Rider training goes beyond the basics and can help make you the expert rider you want to be. Give it a shot! Find a course at one of the many MMSC training sites and register now.

Visit the MMSC Booth at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show

​Can't wait for the upcoming riding season to start? Come get your fix at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show Feb. 3-5 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Visit the MMSC booth to test your skills on our SMARTrainer and get feedback from a riding instructor. MMSC will have new educational materials available, including rider training brochures. While you're there, ask an instructor which course you should sign up for this year.

Autocycles: What They Are and License Requirements

​Minnesota law now defines autocycles as motorcycles. These vehicles drive like a car and have three wheels, a steering wheel and seating that does not require operators or occupants to straddle it. To legally drive an autocycle, drivers must have a valid driver's license. A motorcycle endorsement or three-wheel restriction are not required.

New This Season: Passengers Invited to Participate in MN Advanced & Expert Rider Courses

​Riders looking for an extra challenge or a chance to bond with their riding partner can bring their passengers along to the MN Advanced and Expert Rider courses starting this training season. Passengers can participate at no charge. This is a great opportunity for riders and passengers to build good riding habits that will keep them safe on the road. Riders are expected to complete each exercise solo first before trying the exercise with a passenger. Passengers are also invited to participate for free in the Intermediate Rider Course. Find a course and register now.

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