Social Security’s Gift to Children is Security

kids ice skating This is the season of caring. No matter your religion or belief, December is also considered a time to focus on the children we love. Whether we’re wrapping Santa’s gifts, buying Hanukkah treats, decorating the house in celebration of Kwanzaa, or volunteering for a toy drive, children add joy to the holiday season. And we at Social Security definitely know a thing or two about helping children. Continue reading


Generosity Begins at Home

man and woman outsideWith the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, I want to wish you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season.

This is a time of reflection for all of us. A time to embrace the season’s spirit of generosity and selflessness. We like to give to our loved ones and let them know how much we care. This year, while you do that, don’t forget to also show some love and generosity to yourself. Continue reading


Celebrating Those Who Provide Care

elderly man and woman in the parkNovember was National Family Caregivers Month. In his Presidential Proclamation in celebration of caregivers, President Obama reminds us that our great nation was founded on the ideal that we all do better when we look out for one another. For millions of Americans, this concept is more than an ideal. It’s a day-to-day reality. Continue reading


Keeping our Disability Programs Updated

elderly woman on computerAs we continue to reflect on the 60th anniversary of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) this year, it’s worth noting some of the ways the program has evolved over time. A lot has changed since DI started in 1956! We continuously work to ensure our programs keep pace with rapid changes in medical care, healthcare delivery models, assistive technology, and workplace requirements. Continue reading


Appeal Your Non-Medical Decisions Online

woman on her ipadSocial Security has a new way for you to conduct business with us online. You no longer need to visit our offices or call us to appeal a denial or adverse action related to your benefits. Beginning December 10, 2016, you can file an appeal online for non-medical issues, even if you live outside the United States. Examples of non-medical appeals include those for overpayments and Medicare premium rates. Continue reading


Obamacare Offers New Protections for LGBTQ Americans

LGBTQ week of actionAs we celebrate LGBTQ Enrollment Week of Action, millions of Americans—including many LGBTQ people—are already covered by health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act. And millions more can get covered before January 31, 2017.

For many in the LGBTQ community, access to health care might not seem like much of a priority. But health is an LGBTQ equality issue. Why? Because the LGBTQ community faces health disparities in areas like obesity, smoking, cancer screening, and HIV. LGBTQ people are disproportionately likely to be uninsured and to face discrimination by health care providers when in need of care. Continue reading
