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Energy Secretary Moniz Announces 2013 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award Winners

April 16, 2014 - 11:30am


WASHINGTON – U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz today announced six exceptional U.S. scientists and engineers as recipients of the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award for their contributions in research and development that supports the Energy Department’s science, energy and national security missions. Since 1959, the Lawrence Award has recognized mid-career scientists and engineers in the United States who have advanced new research and scientific discovery in the chemical, biological, environmental and computer sciences; condensed matter and materials; fusion and plasma sciences; high energy and nuclear physics; and national security and nonproliferation.

“The Lawrence Award recipients announced today have made significant contributions to the national, economic and energy security of the United States – strengthening U.S. leadership in discovery and innovation,” said Secretary Moniz.  "I congratulate the winners and thank them for their work on behalf of the Department of Energy and the Nation."

The 2013 E.O. Lawrence Award recipients include:

  • Adam Arkin, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: for his work advancing biological and environmental sciences.
  • Siegfried H. Glenzer, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: for his work advancing fusion and plasma sciences.
  • Stephen C. Myers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: for his work advancing national security and nonproliferation.
  • John L. Sarrao, Los Alamos National Laboratory: for his work advancing condensed matter and materials sciences.
  • John C. Wagner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory: for his work advancing computer, information, and knowledge sciences.
  • Margaret S. Wooldridge, University of Michigan: for her work advancing energy science and innovation.

The Lawrence Award was established to honor the memory of Dr. Ernest Orlando Lawrence, who invented the cyclotron – an accelerator of subatomic particles – and received a 1939 Nobel Laureate in physics for that achievement. Dr. Lawrence later played a leading role in establishing the U.S. system of national laboratories, and today, the Energy Department’s national laboratories in Berkeley and Livermore, Calif., bear his name. The six Lawrence Award recipients announced today will receive a medal and a $20,000 honorarium at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., later this year.

For more information about the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award and the contributions each award recipient has made to U.S. leadership in energy, science and security, please visit
