What's New from the SIE

  • Expert Panel Selected

    The SIE has chosen 19 quality improvement experts to help determine which innovative practices are ready and appropriate for scale and spread. Meet our distinguished panel members.
  • Harvesting Effective Technical Assistance Strategies

    Helping organizations effectively implement evidence-based innovative practices is the next step in improving health care quality and patient safety. The Strategic Innovation Engine’s new initiative identifies, evaluates and spreads proven technical assistance strategies to organizations that assist health care providers in their quality improvement efforts.

Improving Health Care Quality and Patient Safety

The Strategic Innovation Engine advances CMS' quality goals by identifying, evaluating and spreading innovative practices.

  • 1 The SIE issues periodic Calls for Innovative Practices, selecting high impact topics guided by the Executive Leadership Council. Organizations from throughout the health care community are invited to submit applications.
  • 2 Supported by an Expert Panel of health care quality professionals, the SIE evaluates the applications using established criteria and selects innovative practices based on their value and ease of implementation.
  • 3 Approved innovative practices are compiled into Quality Improvement Innovation Packages (QIIPs) which will be spread throughout the health care community for implementation in various settings.
*The SIE is not currently accepting submissions for innovative practices. Calls for submissions usually occur twice a year, in the fall and summer.

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A smiling middle aged health care worker is offering a meal tray to an older white haired women sitting in a chair, covered by a blanket. Her walker is standing next to the chair.