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PestiByte Podcasts


Listen to the voice of NPIC! Our new PestiBytes PODcasts feature NPIC specialists discussing common pesticide questions from people like you. PestiBytes are short (1-2 minute) interviews with NPIC pesticide specialists on each of the topics. Watch for more to come!

Available PestiByte Podcasts:

Is it safe to apply DEET repellents? Episode 27 - A specialist discusses the risks of using insect repellants and ways to avoid overexposure. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:09 min., 1.3MB
Is 'food grade' diatomaceous earth okay for pest control? Episode 26 - A specialist discusses the difference between 'food grade' diatomaceous earth and diatomaceous earth used as a pest control product. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 3:17 min., 2.3MB
truck Tips for Transporting Pesticides Episode 25 - Dr. Fred Berman explains how you can reduce risk and save money by transporting pesticide products wisely. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 3:17 min., 2.1MB
groundwater cross section Pesticides in Groundwater Episode 24 - A specialist discusses ways to keep pesticides out of well water. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:20 min., 1.6MB
woman reading label "Natural" or "Green?" What does it mean? Episode 23 - A specialist sheds light on potentially misleading terms like "safe," "natural," "green," and "non-toxic." Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:31 min., 1.7MB
girl with ball My yard is being sprayed; can my kids go out and play? Episode 22 - A specialist discusses ways to minimize exposure to children after lawn treatments. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:17 min., 1.4MB
image bed bugs Don't let pesticides make your bed bug problem worse! Episode 21 - A specialist discusses some do's and dont's about getting rid of bed bugs. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:26 min., 1.4MB
image of dog Slug Baits with Iron Phosphate Episode 20 - A veterinarian gives pet owners some important information about slug & snail products containing iron phosphate. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:11 min., 0.96MB
image of bleach Fasten the Lid. Protect Your Kids! Episode 19 - A specialist discusses how to store pesticides during and after use to keep kids from being exposed. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:26 min., 1.67MB
image of farmworker The Crop Was Just Sprayed. Can I Work There Today? Episode 18 - A specialist provides information on reentering fields after pesticides have been applied. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:27 min., 1.69MB
image of man and dog My Home is Being Sprayed. Should I Go or Stay? Episode 17 - A specialist discusses steps you can take to minimize your risk when your home is going to be treated with pesticides. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:05 min., 1.43MB
image of pet being treated for fleas Precautions for Using Spot-on Flea and Tick Products Episode 16 - A veterinarian gives pet owners some important pointers about using flea and tick spot-on treatments. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:38 min., 4.95MB
image of a pesticide fogger Can Bug Bombs Really Explode? Episode 15 - A specialist warns about the fire hazards of insecticide foggers and lists safety steps to take before setting off bug bombs. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:02 min., 3.73MB
image of a roach Don't Distress Over Uninvited Guests (Roaches)! Episode 14 - A pesticide specialist discusses common problems with cockroaches in the home and simple ways to prevent infestations. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:06 min., 3.85MB
image of a gopher Cover the Holes When Baiting for Moles (or Gophers)! Episode 13 - A specialist answers questions about the risks of gopher bait for dogs, and how to keep them from snacking on the bait. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:03 min., 3.85MB
image of a drink bottle Pesticides and Food Containers Just Don't Mix Episode 12 - A specialist points out the dangers of storing pesticides in any container other than the original container. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:06 min., 3.94MB
fish Would I Hurt the Fish by Weeding and Feeding the Lawn? Episode 11 - A specialist explains ways to keep weed killers from harming fish. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:50 min., 3.36MB, Watch Video - 4:19 min.
girl Get Rid of the Mouse! With Kids In the House? Episode 10 - A specialist lists precautions to consider when thinking of using rat or mouse baits around pets and children. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:53 min., 3.45MB
planting When to Plant After Using Weed Killer? Episode 9 - A specialist provides information about using weed killers to prepare a vegetable garden. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:424 min., 1.2MB
baby With a Baby on the Way... Is It Okay to Spray? Episode 8 - A specialist discusses infant sensitivity to pesticides and lists some ideas for minimizing exposure. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:55 min., 4.41MB
slug Could Snail Bait Hurt My Dog? Episode 7 - A specialist cautions dog owners about the risks of snail baits and provides ways to to protect their pets. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:56 min., 4.42MB
slug Dirty Work Clothes: How Should I Wash Out Pesticides? Episode 6 - A specialist explains how to handle and launder clothes that are contaminated with pesticides. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:33 min., 3.57MB
Plane What Should I Do During Mosquito Spraying? Episode 5 - A specialist answers questions about why city health departments might spray for mosquitoes and ways people can avoid contact with the mosquito spray. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:39 min., 1.50MB
Spray Should Kids Use Bug Spray? Episode 4 - A specialist lists precautions a parent might take if they choose to use insect repellents on children. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 2:07 min., 1.94MB
Mouse A Mothball Mishap? Episode 3 - A specialist debunks mothball myths and describes how improper use of mothballs can lead to unpleasant or even unhealthy results. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:32 min., 1.41MB
Fruit How Can I Wash Pesticides From Fruit and Veggies? Episode 2 - A specialist discusses how to best wash pesticide residues from produce, including potential risks of using household products to clean fruit and vegetables. Download and Listen, View Transcript - 1:41 min., 1.54MB

PestiBytes are brought to you by the National Pesticide Information Center, a cooperative agreement between Oregon State University and the Environmental Protection Agency and produced by OSU's Environmental Health Sciences Center, funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 1-800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at npic@ace.orst.edu.

Last updated October 06, 2016

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Natural and Biological Pesticides



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